Page 41 of Brooklyn Cupid

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Did I see relief on her face?

Oh, Lu.

If only she knew that there are no other girls. All I think about is her.



“Gettingclose to your target is a bad idea,” Roey argues with me over the phone when I tell him we are going to a bar with Lu and her crew.

“We’re trying to get info,” I counteract. “Find the magic, remember? You have plenty, so work it.” I’m insistent, to my own surprise. “Otherwise, we might never find Reznik.” That last bit is a little too pessimistic.

“We’ll find Reznik,” Roey responds with bitterness.

He’s not used to losing bounties. There was only one, who fled to Thailand, and Roey didn’t have connections there. Hence the reason he wants to go there—to see if he can track the guy.

“I want to get to know Lu better,” I say, disheartened.

“Oh, you are doing that alright. With your hand wrapped around your dick.”

Fuck off.

I should’ve kept my mouth shut about the smutty stories Lu writes online. Roey will forever tease me now.

Roey insists on educating me on sex. I mean, he was the first to teach me cooking, laundry, banking, and social media. I was twenty-two, back from deployment. Most people know these things before they reach puberty. But most people are not the property of the state, growing up with limited resources.

Roey’s favorite topic is women. When he has one drink too many, he’s unstoppable.

“Twenty percent of women can come during regular sex, that’s statistics,” he said once.

My eyebrows hitched. “One in five?”

“Yep. They are complicated creatures. Most need some sort of additional stimulation.”

This type of talk humored me more than intrigued me. I’m sure it’s less complicated than he said. “So it’s better to learn to cover—”

“All the bases, yes. Jace, bedding chicks is not so different from combat. You suck—you lose. Practice makes perfect.”

“I’m great with theory,” I joked.

“Uh-huh. Better hope you are as skilled in bed from the start as you are with hitting targets.”

Except now, hitting the perfect sniper score seems much easier than figuring out how to charm Lu.

Roey doesn’t make it easy either, always taunting me with her. “Are you working your stick every night reading Miss Moor’s diaries?”

“Cut it out,” I grunt, though Roey is the only one I’m comfortable discussing my not-so-stellar sexual achievements or the lack thereof.

“You can rope her in slowly. Show her your shark tattoo.”

“Seriously, Roey…”

“She’ll be impressed. Girls on the beach usually are.”

I shake my head in annoyance. “It’s a stupid tattoo.”

“It wasn’t when you got it, ancient meaning and all. Hey, here’s an idea. You might be a virgin, but you are hung. I don’t know how it was back in school, but you sure are not gonna disappoint a girl these days. Visually, that is.”
