Page 60 of Brooklyn Cupid

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“Right,” Jace whispers.



“But I’m an artist. And that’s art. I like art. Do you have those tattoos down there too?”

I’m not elaborating onthere. Hips, legs, and wherever this shark’s “nest” is. My heart pounds at the thought, my face on fire.

“Lu,” he whispers with a warning.

I’m fixated on the shark teeth that peek from behind the waistband of his sweatpants.

“I like sharks,” I whisper and make a slight movement to touch his abdomen but then catch myself as I see him suck in his stomach.

“Lu?” he repeats.

I raise my eyes to meet Jace’s.

He is achingly beautiful, pure male energy radiating from him. I paint emotions and people’s energies. I can feel it but can’t describe it. Not yet. I’ll find the way. In the next chapter of my novel.

I try to smile, my entire body blushing.

“Gonna go put on a shirt, okay?” he says softly.

I nod as he passes by, our hands brushing, and I turn right away to catch the last sight of his glorious tattooed back before he disappears into his room.

“Grits?” I ask, a half-smile stuck on my lips.

“Sure!” he says from his room.

My quiet roommate is a naked God.

And the silly grits are the last thing on my mind.



“Covered in tattoos,”I tell Becky as we walk through the Broad Street gallery, working out the placement of my paintings during the upcoming show.

She cocks a brow. “No shit?”

“B, indigenous tattoos! Done with needles and stuff.” I skip the detail about the shark.

“Holy shit.” She chuckles. “Maybe he was some bad-ass salesman overseas. His glasses are fake, by the way. Oh, and did you hear Tito’s story from the other night? Roey knocked out that one rude guy who made a slur at Tito, and Jace did a solar plexus strike to the other guy. So…”

My mind goes blank.

“Your roommate is a salesman with fighting skills,” Becky says in a tone that’s much less condescending than it used to be. “Army?”

“I suppose.”

“Should I be worried? He might be just like your ex.”

I’m not sure I can even call Chad my ex. We never crossed a certain line. I didn’t feel like it. I dated him because he was insistent. Except, “I always get what I want,” sounds sexy when you are drinking with a gorgeous intimidating wealthy guy. But not when, two weeks later, he’s trying to undress you and doesn’t get a hint when you say no.

“Jace is nothing like Chad,” I argue.
