Page 53 of Daddy Defends

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“So, where are we going next?” she asked, eager to find out what he had in store for her.

“Actually, we’re almost there.”

She followed his gaze down the street to a bar. A very strange-looking bar.

“What does that say?” Esme squinted. “Otto’s… Shrunken Head?”

“Trust me,” Rainer said.

It had been a while since Rainer had felt this far out of his comfort zone. He’d had drinks in plenty of bars around the city, but never once had he visited anywhere quite like Otto’s Shrunken Head.

“This place is so cool!” shrieked Esme, as they walked in. The sound of drums pounded from hidden speakers.

“I never reallygotTiki bars. Is the point that they’re meant to be an authentic Hawaiian experience?” He glanced at the rows of cheap, knock-off voodoo paraphernalia on the shelves behind the bar.

“The point is, silly, that they’re meant to be fun!”

Esme was in her element. She ordered the biggest, pinkest, flounciest cocktail in the place, and soon, she was bobbing her head along to the music and grinning at the other patrons.

Rainer was waiting for the right time to let her know why exactly they were here.

“Remember, just one drink tonight,” he said.

“But, Daddy, this is so tasty. Plus, these cocktails are packed full of fruit.”

“The alcohol cancels out any goodness that might be in there, I’m afraid.”

“Aww but look!” She picked out a cherry on a stick and held it up to his eyes. “It’s packed full of riboflavin.”

“Riboflavin, huh?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said in a very serious voice. “Essential for the regulation of the function of the spleen.”

Rainer couldn’t help but laugh. “Listen, Little one, it’s gonna be one drink tonight. It’s a school night.”

Plus, you’re going on stage in a moment.

“Fine,” she grumbled. “Although, maybethismight be an appropriate time for me to push my limits and see—”

“Just a tip,” Rainer interrupted, “don’t give away your sneaky plans to Daddy before you act them out.”

Her eyes widened. “Ummm, you misheard me. I said something else. Whatever you thought I said, I said the opposite.”

“Good.” He breathed in deep. “Now, listen, I brought you here for a specific reason.” He pointed up at a poster on the wall. It was an advert for the “World-Famous Otto’s Shrunken Head Open Mic Night!”

“Wowee! I love shows. Wait…” She looked at him with wonder. “Are you performing for me?”

Rainer grimaced. “Actually, babygirl, I thoughtyoumight want to.”

The color drained out of her cheeks. “Me? Perform?”

“Yeah. That contortionist show you did for me. Or maybe some yoga. I thought you might like to do it here. To be seen.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he sensed that he’d got this badly, badly wrong.

Esme was looking around, like a rabbit watching for hawks. “In front of all these people?”

“You don’t have to. I just thought… you’re never going to see them again. They’re strangers and—”

“That’s even worse,” she hissed. “That’s so much worse.”
