Page 55 of Daddy Defends

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“I thought yoga was meant to be relaxing!” His voice cracked as he tried desperately to push farther into the pose. The inelegant shape his body was making was very different from the position that Esme had expertly bent herself into.

“Hmmm,” Esme said. “I wouldn’t say it’s relaxing exactly. More like it teaches you to accept pain. Which can be relaxing, in a way!”

They were in downward dog, a position which Esme had described as “Yoga 101,” but felt anything but entry-level to Rainer. He had his hands on the ground and was bent at the middle. His butt stuck up in the air, and his feet were planted on the mat. He was, effectively, on his tiptoes, in contrast to Esme, who had her heels nicely grounded.

“You mean to tell me,” he grunted, “that all those super-smiley girls in yoga classes are actually in agony?”

“Well, some of the poses can be restorative, but the idea is to push yourself, if only a little.”

Rainer tried again to connect his heels to the mat. There was absolutely no chance, zero, of him ever being able to do it.

“Okay, let me take a look.” Esme pulled herself out of the pose and walked over to Rainer. “Well, this is definitely a very good effort Daddy. Your legs are almost straight which is good — ah, you’re clenching your jaw, try relaxing that.”

He did as she asked and instantly felt less tension in his shoulder and arms. “Can’t believe that helped.”

“Oh yeah, it’s all connected. Now, do you mind if I touch you?”

He snorted. “Don’t need to ask, sugar.”

“Well, in a class I would.”

“Right, right, sorry, yep. You have my permission, coach.”

Esme made some gentle adjustments to the position of his arms, and she shifted his shoulders back a little. The pose felt a little easier afterward.

“One key thing is that you shouldn’t worry about getting the pose exactly like mine,” she said. “Everyone’s body is different.”

“Your body isverydifferent to mine.”

He heard Esme let out a little chuckle. “Now Daddy, shift forward into a plank pose for me.”

Rainer did as she asked, and immediately felt a burn in his abs. He worked out plenty, but there was something about this exercise that made his whole body feel like it was working, all the time.

“Good, very good,” now lower down until your chest almost touches the floor, then push up, but keep your… ahem… groin, near the ground.”

This felt really good. Almost like a press-up, but the position he ended up in was a relief, after the way his body had been stretching in the downward dog.

“This is an up dog,” Esme explained.

Rainer was so happy that he’d managed to cheer her up. Obviously, he’d made her swear that she’d never tell anyone in the MC that he’d agreed to do a yoga class with her, but he hoped that this good decision would make up for the earlier fuck-up. “Everything’s some kind of dog?”

“No, silly. Not even close.”

The lesson went on for another half an hour or so. Even though it clearly wasn’t something Rainer had ever done before, hecouldsee the appeal. The feeling after a deep stretch was fantastic, and there were some genuinely challenging strength-focused positions, too.

“Well,” he said, at the end of the session, lying on his back, “far as I’m concerned, you’re a damn fine teacher.”


“Might just be theshavasanatalking, but I think I might do yoga again sometime.”

Even though he had his eyes closed, he felt Esme come and lie down near him. He could sense the heat from her body.

“Do you really mean that? You’re not just saying that?”

“Daddies don’t lie.”

Esme slipped her hand into his and shifted so that she was closer to him. “My lesson made you want to try yoga again. That’s… the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
