Page 83 of Daddy Defends

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“Now, I pass you over to Rainer Ortiz.”

There were cheers, claps, and laughter as Rainer took the stage. He took a moment to look out at the crowd of his brothers. He’d never wanted this. Never thought for a moment that he’d be Prez.

As he scanned through the crowd, he saw the Little table, where Esme, Sophia, Molly, and the others sat. There were half a dozen of them, but he hoped that soon, with a pro-Little agenda, they’d recruit more to the Little Drifters. Anyway, that was for the future.

So much was for the future.

“I don’t got much to say,” he said, scratching his head. “I want what’s best for this club, but I’m not an oracle. I don’t know what fate’s got in store. I’m only making one executive decision as President of this club. We’re going on a ride. A long one. All of us, we’re gonna need to take time off work. We need to put the rest of our lives on hold. We’re going down south, almost like a vision quest. Together, we’re gonna make big decisions about this club, and what we want from it.”

He could feel the excitement growing as the rest of the members smiled and chatted amongst themselves.

“I don’t know what the future holds, but what I do know is, with you boys and girls behind me, it’s going to be epic!”

More cheers. More laughter. And somewhere, nearby, he felt it: Marcus, watching with pride, wishing them the best, wishing them happiness.

It was later that night that he walked in on her. Esme, head down, feet high up in the sky. She was straight as an arrow, perfectly in balance. Strong, supple, completely in control.

He could hear her breathing, could see her sweat. There she was: his fate, his destiny, his choice.
