Page 22 of Yes Daddy

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The problem was… he hadn’t pooped.

Normally, Teddy would have done at least two poops by now, but Peach got the feeling that he couldn’t go unless he was properly outside. As nice as the inner courtyard was, it still felt like part of the house, and Teddyneverpooped inside.

“Go on,” said Peach. “Just go in the courtyard and do your business. I’ll get it all cleaned up.”

Teddy whined at the front door for the hundredth time.

Peach bit her lip. She looked down at her schedule, then back at Teddy. “Well, maybe if we’re quick…”

The personal chef had been and gone, preparing a healthy avocado and scramble tortilla for her for breakfast, and handing her a salad to eat for her lunch. She’d cleaned her teeth, as Isaac had advised, and she’d gotten herself dressed in aLittle Mermaidthemed sundress she’d had since she was thirteen, and she had a full twenty minutes left to herself before her personal shopper was due to arrive.

Fine. It wouldn’t take Teddy long to go out and poop, then she’d pick it up, hide the evidence, and nobody would be any the wiser.

She opened the front door and took Teddy outside. Immediately, he bolted toward the back of Isaac’s mansion and ran onto his back patio. There was a hedge between her patio and his, so Peach couldn’t get to it.

“Come back here!” Peach shouted. “Teddy! That’s not our place!”

Teddy looked up at her, and he looked deep into her eyes as he squirted out the runniest poop in the history of runny poops.

“Oh no,” Peach said aghast. “Not good.”

She wondered how the heck she was meant to clean that up. For starters, she couldn’t get to it without trying to climb over or under the hedge, and on top of that, the poop was about eighty-percent liquid.

“Must be all that fancy doggy food you’ve been eating,” said Peach. “Your tummy’s not used to it yet.”

Teddy ran back over to her, wagging his tail happily. Evidently, he thought he’d just done something very, very good.

“Maybe it’ll rain…” she said, looking over at the brown puddle. “Or maybe if I get a bucket of water, and I throw it…”

“Ms. Trimble?” called a female voice from over by the house. “Is that you?”

Peach swallowed. Yikes. The personal shopper was here early.

“Yeah!” she called back. “I’ll be one sec!”

An extremely fashionable woman in a red catsuit appeared before Peach, with a look of disdain on her face. “Oh dear,” she said. “Looks like I have my work cut out for me.”

Peach swallowed. “You do?”

“Darling,” said the woman. “Don’t you worry about a thing. We’ll get you measured up and you’ll never have to wear clothes that don’t fit you again.”

“Er… that’s great,” said Peach with uncertainty.

She walked back to the house with Teddy and her personal shopper, and pretty soon, all thoughts of cleaning up runny dog poop had flown out of her head.

Chapter Nine


Isaachadneverhadtrouble concentrating in a boardroom meeting before. But as he sat listening to Bastion lead a talk about a potential new client for Daddies Inc — which happened to be one of the most prestigious hotel companies in the world — Isaac’s mind was elsewhere.

Peach Trimble.

Even her name was distracting. Peach made him think of her Peachy ass. Trimble made him think of trembling. More precisely, her trembling ass.

Man, he’d never known he was an ass man until now. He’d always had an appreciation for all parts of a woman, but it seemed that until now, he’d been focusing his attention on the wrong kind of women. The perfectly put-together, skinny Littles in expensive cropped t-shirts to show off their flat midriffs. Littles whose bodies were as lithe as teenagers, who lived the lifestyle so perfectly it was like they were made for Instagram.

He wasn’t into the bratty types, either. He always went for Little princesses, who never acted up, just quietly colored in or chilled out in Little Space while he got on with whatever he had to do. No trouble. No fuss.

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