Page 23 of Yes Daddy

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Not so with Peach Trimble.

Peach Trimble was a messy, chaotic, wobbly, bouncy, unpredictable, hurricane of a woman. Her Littleness vibrated in every cell of her voluptuous body. She represented all the parts of life that Isaac had tried to eradicate from himself over the years. Untidiness, laziness, silliness.

That’s partly the reason he thought marrying her was a safe bet. He wasn’t going to fall for her. Things wouldn’t get messy. But although his common sense was clear on that, his dick had other ideas. The moment she bent down to talk to her ratty little pup this morning, and he’d seen a glimpse of that curvaceous ass and those mint green panties, his cock had hardened to full thickness.

There was something magnetic about Peach Trimble. Not in spite of her chaos, butbecauseof it. Spending time with her helped Isaac remember happier times. Times when he didn’t obsess over bank balances, schedules, and manners. Times when he was growing up on the ranch, happy and free. Where every day was a blank slate, ready to be scribbled on in all the glorious colors of the rainbow.

“You got a problem with something I’m saying?” said Bastion, breaking off from his speech and turning to him.

Isaac raised his palms. “No, man,” he said. “You’ve done great. Sounds like a good deal.”

He meant it too. Bastion’s work had been sloppy ever since his divorce. This new deal with the hotel chain was his saving grace. It was clear that he was back in Montague’s good books. And Bastion seemed to be standing a little taller today, too. He’d even shaved for the first time in weeks. He wondered what had brought about the change in him. Was it just the hotel deal? Or did Bastion have his eye on a Little too?

“Thought you were drifting off for a minute there,” said Bastion. “And then you started smirking, so I assumed—”

“It’s all good, man,” said Isaac. “I don’t have a problem with any of it.”

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room. Montague looked at both men questioningly, and Sam, the head of Human Resources cleared his throat.

“Shall we continue?” Sam asked.

Bastion shrugged. “Sure.”

Isaac tried to stay focused this time, but he was only about three seconds in when he found himself thinking about her again. About how cute she looked in his place. In those tight PJs. Ice-cream running down her chin. Those big blue eyes. Those chubby cheeks. That petite but curvaceous figure.

He could feel his cock hardening again right now, here in the boardroom. He longed to stroke it, to rub himself hard while thinking abouther. He longed to stick it between those ample ass cheeks and come harder than he’d ever come in his life.

Trying not to draw any attention to himself, he rested his hand on the top of his pant leg, right where his thick cock lay, hot and hard and heavy, desperate to shoot its load.

Mmmm, that felt good…

He thought about her mouth, dribbling ice-cream. He thought about her fleshy buttocks. He thought about the punishment he would be doling out to her later…

He’d never been one of those Daddies who got off on endlessly punishing their Little. He didn’t have time to think up a million and one punishments. He normally just role-played a spanking session with his Littles every now and then. The scene would be laid out in great detail, and both parties would know exactly what to expect. The implement to be used. The number of strikes. The situation they’d be acting out. They’d sign an agreement saying they’d stick to the script. Isaac had always enjoyed the precision of it.

When he’d knocked on Peach’s door this morning, though, he’d found himselfhopingshe’d have done something naughty. He’d spent the night fantasizing about all the delicious ways he might torment her for being a bad girl on his premises. He’d jerked off thinking about her sulky pout as he inflicted all kinds of tasty torture on her.

The moment he saw that she’d broken his rules, he’d gotten excited. It was plain to see that she hadn’t tidied up after herself, and given how much ice-cream she’d shoveled into her pretty mouth, she wasn’t eating a balanced diet, either. He could also see from his Smartphone app that she had been up at five. The app told him how much energy each of his appliances were using, and for some reason, it looked like she’d been using the elevator almost constantly for the first hour.

In any case, she deserved the punishment he was dishing out to her. And by the time he got home tonight, the punishment would be in full swing.

He pressed down a little harder on his hungry cock, rubbing it just the tiniest bit. He’d never done something like this before. Bastion was the one who jerked off pretty much anywhere, and boasted about it too. The man was a walking cum factory. Isaac had never let himself get turned on during office hours.

Unable to help himself, a small moan escaped his lips.

“Seriously, dude?” said Bastion. “You sure you’re okay with this deal? You’re making funny noises now.”

Isaac swallowed. “Sorry. Got a lot on my mind.”

A whole lot of Peach Trimble.

“It’s alright,” Montague cut in. “I’m kinda distracted too. Got so much to sort out for the wedding. Daisy and I have been chatting about it almost constantly for three weeks now.” He turned to Bastion. “You’ve done good, man. Real good. How about we all go to Dade-D Bar to celebrate?”

“You mean… take the afternoon off?” asked Isaac. They never did that. It was like an unwritten rule.

“Yeah,” said Montague. “Feels like we could all do with letting off a little steam. Plus, the three of us haven’t hung in, like, forever.”

Sam, the HR guy, pouted. “Guess I’m not invited then.”
