Page 4 of Yes Daddy

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Peach was being given a behind-the-scenes tour of her best friend’s workplace. Daisy had been working at the Daddies Inc offices for a few months now. She was PA to an incredibly wealthy man called Montague Manners. As well as being Daisy’s boss, Montague was also her Daddy. And, not just that: now he was her fiancé.

Obviously, Peach was thrilled for her friend. Just a few months ago, Daisy had been living in a yucky trailer having run away from her controlling ex at the altar. Now, she was dining out at fancy restaurants every weekend, holidaying on a houseboat, and getting endless orgasms from one of the richest Daddies in Miami.

Yes, obviously, Peach was thrilled. Thrilled and just a tiny bit… jealous?

Since Peach had left her old life in Connecticut, Peach’s world had felt much smaller. Of course, she still had her other best friend, Kiera, who was also on the tour right now. But even though Kiera was great, she wasn’t Daisy.

Daisy had been Peach’s bestie since high school. They’d let Kiera into their sacred inner circle after meeting her at an ice-cream parlor, where they’d all decided to share an XXL ice-cream sundae together. Kiera was fun, feisty, and spontaneous. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, which Peach respected, and she was super cool.

But Daisy was sweet and sunny. Always had a good word to say about someone. She knew exactly how to cheer Peach up when she was feeling down. She knew every boy (and cartoon character!) that Peach had ever had a crush on, and they’d even made up a funny secret language together. They called their pretend languageGigglish, and it mainly consisted of amusing noises that made them laugh so much they could no longer communicate. For example, to say “please”, you had to say, “Ziiiiiiiip?“ in a really high-pitched voice. And to say “thank you”, you had to snort like a pig.

Peach and Daisy hadn’t spoken Gigglish to one another in months.

And as Peach watched Daisy breeze around the Daddies Inc. offices in her fancy pink flared dress with doves all over it, she wondered if the two of them would ever speak Gigglish to one another again.

“See that room over there?” said Daisy excitedly. “That’s the boardroom for Littles. We call it the boardgamesroom!”

Peach clutched her beloved pet Shih Tzu, Teddy, tickling his brown and white fur to keep him calm. She needn’t have worried, though. Teddy seemed to be loving the tour. So far, he’d been petted by three different people and given a bowl of water from the water cooler.

Peach wasn’t enjoying the tour as much as her dog. It was hard to put aside her feelings of jealousy. She looked at Kiera, wondering if she was feeling a tiny bit sad like she was, but Kiera looked genuinely into it.

“This is so awesome, Daze,” said Kiera. “It’s like you work at the Google headquarters or something.”

Daisy smiled. “Actually, Montague took me to a meeting at the Google headquarters a couple weeks ago,” she said, “and it turns out, our offices are better!”

“Now, now,” said Montague, pressing a finger to his lips. “Let’s not get boastful, young lady. Pride comes before a fall, remember?”

Montague had come along for the start of the tour too, and he’d been charming as ever, always knowing just how far to push the Daddy thing in public. Clearly, in a workplace like this, it was okay to be open about being in an age play relationship, but Montague was Daisy’s boss, so he had to remain professional.

“Sorry, Daddy,” said Daisy, stifling a smile.

Montague gave her a stern look. Then, he turned back to Peach and Kiera. “This is where I leave you, ladies,” he said. “Got a meeting to prepare for. I’ll leave you in Daisy’s capable hands.”

Daisy held up her hands, grinning, and Peach caught sight of the huge diamond and aquamarine ring she was wearing. Peach couldn’t believe that Daisy was getting married so soon after running away from her last wedding. She knew that Montague was the right man for her best friend, but, but, but…

Well, it all came down to jealousy again, didn’t it?

It was strange feeling like Daisy had someone else to confide in these days. Like Peach wasn’t the first person she told her news to. Also, Daisy and Montague were getting married in a month, and they were keeping all the details of it a total secret, including the venue. It was one of the first secrets Daisy had ever kept from her, and she hated to admit it to herself, but it felt kinda crappy.

“Alright!” said Daisy, full of energy. “Now we can start therealtour!“ She turned to her friends and wiggled her eyebrows.

“What do you mean?” asked Kiera. “That tour we had just then wasn’t real?”

“Well, sure it was,” said Daisy. “But now I can give you the gossip. Like, ooh! Look over there!”

She pointed through a large glass window that was frosted up to chest height, as though to obscure whoever might be sitting in the room having a meeting. There was someone standing in there, though, clearly visible above the frosting. It was a tall man with wide shoulders and black-rimmed spectacles. He was leading a meeting with three other men who seemed to be eating out of the palm of his hand. Behind him was a spreadsheet projected onto the wall, with some impossibly large numbers on it.

“That’s Isaac,” said Daisy. “He’s smart with numbers. And according to Montague, he’s the richest guy at Daddy’s Inc.”

“Oooh,” said Kiera, “he’s kinda dishy. Tell me more.”

“Ha!” Daisy laughed. “Don’t even think about it! Isaac’s a man of mystery. He never shows the slightest bit of interest in anyone here, he never reveals anything about himself, he never laughs at anyone’s jokes, and he’s kind of a grump.”

“I thought grumps were your specialty, Daisy,” Kiera joked, looking away from Isaac and seeming to lose all interest in him.
