Page 12 of Rancher Daddy

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This was Charles, after all — the most fun, excitable, inspiring man she’d ever met. Her first crush. Her obsession. He was the man who had spoiled all other men for her and made them seem like little boys in comparison. Obviously, he was totally, entirely, one-hundred-percent off-limits. Besides the fact that he was much older than her, he knew her dad.

Back then, Charles had been clean-shaven and smartly-dressed. Young and smooth-skinned, like he didn’t have a care in the world. The Chuck of today, though, was not. His green eyes were wreathed in wrinkles. His chin was covered in salt-and-pepper stubble, and his mouth, once almost always ready to smile, found itself resting constantly in a scowl.

For a moment, when she’d seen Chuck, she’d assumed that this was all some kind of crazy prank. Some twisted web, orchestrated by her father or even Chuck. But the more she’d talked to Takis and Chuck, the more clear it became that this was just a crazy, almost unbelievable case of serendipity.

“Obviously, Edgar, this is never going to work. I can’t work with him. He makes me feel like a little schoolgirl.”

Just then a thought occurred to her. A dangerous thought.

This was an age play ranch. Did that mean that Chuck was a Daddy?

He’d always had a certain something to him. A commanding, yet gentle presence. It was what had made him such a great trainer. It was because of him that Wizard had been such a wonderful horse.

She repressed the memory of her relationship with Wizard. If she dwelled on it for too long, she was liable to end up in tears.

Maybe he was a Daddy.

Maybe he wasn’t.

More to the point, was she truly a Little? Was she ready to submit to someone? To have someone look after her in such an intense, supportive way?

What would it be like if Chuck washerDaddy?

It could never happen, of course. The list of reasons was so long it was practically laughable.

But that didn’t mean she couldn’t fantasize. Couldn’t imagine herself bent over his knee, with his rough, calloused hands stroking her smooth skin before — ouch — he let her know just how much power he had over her.

You don’t deserve him. You don’t deserve anyone.

She sighed as the fantasy dwindled.

The way he’d looked at her — almost with anger in his eyes — told her everything that she needed to know. There was no chance of anything happening between them. Zero.

What was it that Bob had said in the bar?

She looked out the window at the fast-darkening evening. The corral was empty, but the sky was full — the stars were unbelievable, a swirling, blanket of twinkling magnificence.

“It’s pretty, Edgar.” She squeezed her little duck.

There was a knock at her door, hesitant and light.

“Hello? Millie?” It was Bunny.

“Come in.”

She really was pretty — almost annoyingly so. She had a dreamy face and a body that she obviously worked hard to maintain. Still, she was so nice, it was hard to be too jealous.

“How you doing?” She twirled a long truss of red hair around a finger.

“Honestly? I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.”

Bunny looked concerned. “Wanna talk?”

“It’s just… I know Chuck. Well, I used to know him. He worked for my father at our family stables in Berkshire.”

“Berkshire? That’s like… a dog town?”

Millie giggled. “It’s actually spelled b-e-r-k-shire. Weird British words.”
