Page 69 of Rancher Daddy

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“It was. I offered her a million dollars to marry me.”

“Ah. Yes. That does sound different.”

“I’ll tell you all about it another time.”

“Right. You know where Boris is?”

Takis nodded. “He’s in my office. Demanded Bourbon and some time to himself. He’s waiting for Millie to pack her stuff. Then I think his plan is to go straight back to England.”

Chuck’s heart pounded. He hadn’t realized that Millie was going so soon. If Takis hadn’t come to speak to him, he most likely would have lost her forever.

“Thank you, Boss,” Chuck said.

“So you’re not quitting?”

“Not just yet.”

“I brought Sunrise for you,” Takis said, gesturing outside. “Ride him back. I don’t mind the walk. Oh, and take this — it might come in handy.” Chuck’s boss flung him a small key, which Chuck immediately recognized. It would unlock the door to Takis’ office.

Chuck tipped his Stetson and headed out into the afternoon sun.

After hitching Sunrise at the post outside the ranch house, Chuck headed straight in. To his surprise, he met with Duke, who was pacing outside Takis’ office.

“Alright, Duke?”

“No, I am not alright, Chuck.” His brother looked furious. “That swanky asshole thinks he can come here and just steal Millie away like this?” He hollered at the door. “I’ve a mind to break that fucking door down and rearrange his damn face!”

“Which is precisely why I won’t be letting you in any time soon.”

Chuck lifted his finger to his lips, and quietly slipped the door key from his pocket. Duke’s eyes lit up, and he thumped his fist into his other palm. Chuck shook his head, though, and then said: “I got this, Duke.”

Duke looked angry for a moment, then rolled his eyes and nodded. “Fine. I’mma head back to the shooting range. Need to make sure my aim isperfectfor what I got in mind.”

Chuck waited for his brother to strut away, and then he slid the key into the lock. When he pushed the door open, he saw something that made him mad.

Boris was sitting at Takis’ desk, and he had his shoes up on the desk. The desk that had once been his father’s. Boris didn’t seem bothered to see Chuck. In fact, he barely raised an eyebrow.

“Mr. North,” Boris said. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Pleasure?” Chuck replied.

“I suppose ‘surprise’ might have been a better choice.”

Chuck looked at Boris for a while. The years had not been kind to him. He was thinner, paler, and had a haunted look in his eyes.

This was like ripping off a plaster. It had to be done. “I’m here to talk about Millie.”

“Ah,” Boris said. “Of course you are.”

Chuck took a deep breath, trying to keep his feelings in check. “You know what? I’m not even going to get into it. I’m here to just tell you that Millie belongs here. With me.”

“With you?” Boris scoffed. “You know, all those years ago, I thought there was something strange about you.”

“Did you indeed?” He was trying to remain respectful, but it was an almost impossible task.

“Millie idolized you. Thought you were the best thing since sliced bread.”

“Youdidn’t, I take it.”
