Page 70 of Rancher Daddy

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“No. I did. I respected you. You were one of the best trainers and colt starters I’ve ever met. I liked you. But I always felt as though you were holding back. Like you were never totally honest with me.”

So many feelings were rushing back to Chuck as he stood in front of Boris. “I was young.”

Boris poured out another glass of bourbon for himself. “Fancy a drink, Mr. North? For old time’s sake?”

“Not for me, thank you.”

“My, you reallyhavechanged.”

“I’m trying to.”

“I remember you as a fun, excitable fellow. Ambitious and full of energy. Where’s that man gone now?”

He’s still here, but he’s trapped in Millie.

“Been through some hard times,” Chuck said through gritted teeth.

“To live is to suffer,” Boris said, taking a sip of his drink. “That’s what I think. Look at me. Abandoned by his own daughter. Forced to hire a private detective to track her down.”

“So that’s how you found her.”

“Idiot was having no luck at all for the longest time. It was my idea that worked in the end.”


“Got him to impersonate a friend. She sent us the damn address within about five minutes.”

Poor Millie. She was so trusting.

“Mr. Reynolds,” Chuck said, pitching the tone of his voice carefully, “you don’t need to take Millie back.”

“Charles, she’s a liability. Do you even know what she’s like?”

Chuck thought back to all the time they’d spent with each other. Not just the good times, either. He thought back to the moment he’d found her, drunk as a skunk, about to get attacked by a pack of coyotes. “I do. She’s done a lot of work here. On herself.”

Boris’s eyes narrowed. “This place… it’s some kind of sex ranch.”

“No, it is not.”

“She’s here to pretend to be a baby? To suck on a bottle?”

“It’s more complicated than that.”

“But there is some truth to it?”

Chuck sighed deeply. He could sense that Boris wasn’t asking questions purely in bad faith. Maybe there was some honest curiosity in him. “I can explain it to you… if you really want to know.”

“Do I want to?” Boris sighed deeply. He looked as though he was preparing himself to eat something truly disgusting.

“If you care for Millie, then I think you do.”

Boris finished his drink and poured himself another one. “Fine. Go on then. Tell me all about it.”

The conversation was long and difficult. Explaining the subtleties of age play to someone who’d only ever heard of it in the context of strangeness and perversion was difficult. Add Chuck’s relative newness to the world into the mix, and it made things even more tricky. Finally, the fact that Millie was Boris’ daughter, and Chuck was Boris’ old employee, made things even trickier still.

But Chuck wasn’t giving up.

As he carefully explained that age play wasn’t automatically a sexual thing, and that DDlg relationships were built on a foundation of respect and consent, he saw Boris start to soften a bit.
