Page 17 of Healer Daddy

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“I wasn’t just curt,” Trent said. “I was rude. That’s unacceptable. You didn’t deserve it. You came to me and offered me help, and I shot you down. It won’t happen again.”

“I’m okay,” she said, crossing her arms in front of her. “But I appreciate your apology. Now, am I free to go back and play?”

“Wait just one moment, Patti.” He sighed. “Truth is, I need your help,” Trent admitted, swallowing his pride. “I’ve been thinking about the ranch and the animals, and I just can’t handle the impending crisis alone. I need your assistance, your intuition, and your connection with the animals.”


“Yes. Lulu was only showing very mild symptoms, but you knew something was off. If it hadn’t been for your quick thinking, I might not have realized that this was a disease that can affect more than one species.”

Patted bit her lip. “It was just luck.”

“No. It wasn’t luck. You may not have a veterinary education, but you’re smart. And—more importantly—you understand animals. Will you help me?”


Patti’s heart was going berserk in her chest. She’d wanted a chance to take back control of her life, and this was it.

A chance to take the blinkers off and look around again. A chance to stop retreating and take some risks again.

Patti chewed her lip, feeling the weight of Trent’s words and the sincerity behind them. She looked around the corridor, seeking solace in the bright colors that surrounded her. Her fingers fidgeted with the hem of her dress as she considered his request, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

“Thank you for the apology, Trent,” Patti said softly, her gaze flickering back to meet his. “But I... I don’t know if I can do this. Not right now.”

The echoes of past failures reverberated through her thoughts, holding her captive in their paralyzing grip. She couldn’t bear the thought of letting Trent down, of facing rejection once more.

He’s asking you to help, Patti. He believes in you. He trusts you.

But no matter how fervently she tried to convince herself that it would be alright, she just couldn’t.

Trent paused for a moment, and then, his big brown eyes softened. “You’re scared, aren’t you?”

Patti’s breath hitched, and she nodded.

“Scared of making a mistake. I understand. What if… what if I could help you with that fear?”


Trent looked at her intensely. “Let me be your Daddy.”

Patti’s mouth dropped open, and for a moment, it was as though she’d forgotten how to breathe. “Excuse me?”

“Your Daddy. Let me be your Daddy.”

“Um, but you… you think I’m silly. You’re not… attracted to me. Are you?”

Trent’s eyebrows raised. “Patti, I’m sorry. I should have clarified. I’m talking about being your Daddy, not your Dom.”

It was like being punched in the gut. She reeled as Trent kept talking.

“I know it’s unusual, but in our case, it wouldn’t be sexual. Far from it. I’d be helping you with confidence and anxiety, helping you to focus on feeling better. While we worked together on the animal problem, I could help you study some basic veterinary science, too. We’d agree on a routine and some discipline.”

“Of c-course,” she said. “I knew it wouldn’t be sexual. I’m not stupid.”

I am stupid. Stupid to have left the nursery to speak to this man.

“There might be spanking, if you agree to it. And other corporal punishment. But strictly over the panties. No nudity.”

Patti’s cheeks were burning. Trent probably thought he was being kind, but his offer was humiliating, especially as he had no romantic interest in her whatsoever. What kind of Daddy relationship wasn’t based on mutual respect and attraction?
