Page 26 of Healer Daddy

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“Rest assured, though,” Duke added, “Trent might not have had a lot of girlfriends, but that doesn’t mean he’s not insanely knowledgeable about this stuff.”

Chuck laughed. “Yeah, it’s almost kinda weird how much he knows about it.”

“Wow. Thanks,” Trent said. He sounded annoyed, but couldn’t help but smile.

So Patti took a deep breath, and she started to read.


Trent watched with pride as Patti went through the intimidatingly detailed document. Even though it seemed over the top, he knew that it was the best way to get an unusual relationship off to a good start.

Non-typical power dynamics needed clear definition preciselybecausethey were non-typical. In our day-to-day lives, we don’t act out the part of a sub or a Dom, so when it comes to relationships, it’s helpful to have a framework to fall back on. It meant that they could both push it to the limit, without fear of falling off the edge.

He remembered how intense it had been to watch Millie and Chuck sign their contract together. At the time, he’d thought that he must understand how it would feel to go through it. Now though, as he lived the experience, he was surprised by one thing, above all others.

His vulnerability.

Every time Patti paused and asked a question, asked him to define a term, he felt as though everything might come crashing down if she didn’t like his answer.

Thankfully, that didn’t happen.

Soon, Patti was approaching the part of the contract he was most excited to share with her. The rules.

“There’s ten!?” Patti said, eyes widening.

“It’s a nice, round number,” Trent said, smiling. He looked over the list again—he was proud of the rules he’d come up with.

Daily Reflections: Patti must share one thing she learned about herself each day with Trent. This rule aids in developing self-awareness and promotes open communication.

No Assumptions: Both Patti and Trent should not assume the other’s feelings or thoughts, they must always ask. This rule prevents misunderstandings.

Honesty is a Must: Complete honesty is required at all times, even when it might cause discomfort.

Vocalize Dissent: If Patti disagrees with a decision, she must voice her disagreement. This rule will help Patti in becoming assertive.

Negotiate Punishments: The nature of the disciplinary action in case a rule is broken will be decided together, allowing Patti to contribute to her own discipline.

Safewords: Safewords are to be used to express discomfort or distress during any age-play or punishment scenario. Trent’s safeword is “red.” Patti will choose her own safeword and write it in the space below.

Healthy Routine: Patti must follow a healthy routine which includes regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Regular Updates: Patti must keep Trent updated about her feelings or discomforts during their attempts to combat the cryptosporidium.

Learning Time: Patti will set aside time each day to learn something new about animal care, Little Space, or anything else she’s interested in, to build her confidence.

Respect Boundaries: Both Trent and Patti will respect each other’s personal boundaries and discuss any changes to those boundaries.

“These sound so official!” Patti said.

“Are you okay with them?” Chuck asked.

“I think so.”

“Remember,” Duke said, “this document can be changed. If you have to make alterations at any time, you may do so. It’s not, like, a truly legally-binding contract.”

“This is about us figuring things out together.,” Trent added. “We’re both new to this, and we’ll learn as we go along.” He paused, searching her eyes for understanding. “I’m not expecting perfection, Patti. I just want us to be open and honest with each other.”

“One thing,” Patti said. “The rule about daily reflections. Um… what if I can’t think of anything to say?”

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