Page 38 of Healer Daddy

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“Good girl,” Trent praised her, his voice soft and warm as he continued to deliver measured strokes. “You’re doing so well.”

As the blows continued to fall, Patti found herself sinking deeper into her submissive space, each stinging slap bringing her closer to a state of complete surrender. Her earlier fears and anxieties began to dissolve, replaced by a sense of peace and trust in her Daddy’s care.

“Almost done, little one,” Trent murmured, his tone gentle but firm.

With each strike, Patti felt her body responding, the pain mixing with pleasure in an intoxicating way. She knew that this punishment was more than just a lesson—it was a reminder of their bond, a manifestation of the love and trust they shared.

Finally, Trent delivered the last blow, and Patti let out a shuddering breath, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The combination of pain and pleasure built up inside her like a crescendo, and as Trent praised her once more. “You’re such a brave, beautiful girl.”

She felt herself pushed over the edge into an intense, shattering orgasm. Her body trembled with release, and tears of relief and gratitude streamed down her face.

As her breathing slowly returned to normal, Trent gathered her up in his arms, cradling her close to his chest. Patti snuggled against him, feeling cherished and cared for in a way she had never experienced before.

As he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, she felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for this man who had come into her life, helping her face her fears and guiding her on a journey of self-discovery.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. “For everything.”

Trent held her tight, kissing the top of her head. “You’re welcome, my sweet girl. Remember, we’re in this together. I need you to understand that my expectations for honesty aren’t because I’m a tyrant or because I want to control you. It’s because I know you struggle with self-confidence, and I value your input more than you might realize. I want to see you flourish.”

Patti listened intently, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and vulnerability. She knew he was right. Her insecurities often held her back from sharing her thoughts, even when they were valuable.

“Your observations at the ranch could make a real difference, Patti,” he continued. “You’re smart and intuitive, and it’s important that you trust yourself enough to speak up.”

Trent’s words washed over her like a soothing balm, easing the knot of anxiety and fear in her stomach. She knew he was right. She needed to believe in herself and be honest with him about her ideas and insights.

“Th-thank you, Daddy,” Patti stammered, her voice barely audible. “I promise I’ll try harder to share my thoughts with you.”

“Good girl,” he praised, his hand gently rubbing her lower back in reassurance. The simple gesture filled her with warmth, knowing that Trent truly cared about her growth and well-being. “Did you enjoy your punishment, babygirl?” Trent asked, his voice rich and warm like melted chocolate.

“Y-yes, Daddy,” Patti replied, her cheeks flushing at the memory of the spanking. It had been so hard. So… intense. “It was... amazing.”

“You enjoyed it, huh?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “Maybe I need to spank you a little harder next time.”

“N-no! I mean, yuck! It was horrible! So hurty! Poor Patti’s bottom is screaming in agony.”

Trent chuckled to himself. “Good. That’s more like it,” Trent pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Honesty, sweetheart. You’ve got to know you can be honest with me.”

“Can I ask you something, Daddy?” Patti ventured, hesitating for a moment before continuing. “When do you think we’ll... you know... have sex?”

Trent ran his fingers through her hair as he considered her question. “We’ll get there when the time is right, babygirl. It’s important that we take our time and build a strong foundation first. With all the big feelings going on, all the madness in our working life, we’ve got to get it right.”

“Okay,” Patti agreed, squirming a little with impatience. The thought of making love with Trent filled her tummy with delicious anticipation.

“Trust me, Patti,” Trent reassured her, sensing her eagerness. “When the moment comes, it will be more wonderful than you can even imagine.”

“Alright, Daddy. I trust you,” Patti whispered, her heart swelling with love and gratitude for the man who was helping her remember herself.

“Good girl,” Trent praised, pulling her close for a gentle embrace. They basked in the warmth of each other’s arms, their hearts beating in sync as they let the beauty of their bond wash over them.


Thesunwashighin the sky as Trent squinted down the barrel of his rifle. He could feel the heat on his back, the dry dust beneath his boots, and the familiar weight of the weapon in his hands. The ranch shooting range spread out before him, a testament to their father Dwight’s love for friendly competition.

Before Duke and Chuck had got together with their Littles, the three of them had met every week, without fail, to shoot. It had been months though, since they’d enacted this shared tradition. It had taken nagging from Duke to get them all together.

“Alright, boys,” Duke drawled, flashing them a grin, “let’s see if you’ve still got it.”

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