Page 48 of Healer Daddy

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“Pretty special, isn’t it?”

They dismounted and tied Sunrise to a tree, before giving him a couple of treats and a stroke or two. Near the lake was a relatively flat patch of land. Trent had hastily prepared a picnic before they’d left.

“That looks like a good spot for lunch,” Trent said.

“I have an idea,” Patti whispered, her breath suddenly warm against his ear.

“Really?” Trent replied, trying to remain stern. “Well, you know it’s your duty to voice your ideas, Patti. It’s the rules.”

Her wicked smile grew brighter as she nodded, biting her lip in anticipation. Trent looked down at her, so beautiful and wild-looking. He had flashbacks to yesterday. He’d never had sex that many times in one day. He didn’t even know it was possible.

“Alright, then. If it’s the rules,” she agreed. They walked together to the edge of the lake, taking it in, and then, taking him by surprise, Patti let out a shriek of excitement and tore off her clothes.

Trent’s mouth dropped open, and Patti started to laugh. “Join me, Daddy!”

Before Trent could say a word, she’d made a break for the lake. Her laughter rang through the air as she dashed into the water, sending shimmering droplets flying in every direction.

Trent didn’t need to be asked twice. Eyes locked onto Patti, he threw off his own clothes and sprinted for the lake. The cold water enveloped him, sending shivers up his spine, but Patti’s warmth was magnetic, drawing him closer to her.

“Come on, Daddy!” Patti called out, splashing him playfully. “Let’s make the most of our time here!”

He caught up to her, their naked bodies pressed together as they shared a passionate kiss. Patti yelped with pleasure and surprise as he pulled her closer to him. The world around them seemed to fall away as they made love in the water, the sensation of the cool liquid surrounding them contrasting beautifully with the heat of their connection.

“Is this what you had in mind when you said you wanted to get down and dirty somewhere private?” Trent panted between kisses, his hands roaming over her wet skin.

“Exactly,” she sighed, nipping at his lower lip. “But I didn’t expect it to be this amazing.”

Their lovemaking continued, their bodies moving in sync as the water lapped around them. Trent pulled Patti out of the lake, her wet body gleaming in the morning sun. He marveled at the sight before him, a goddess of nature, and pushed her up against a nearby tree. Their mouths met once more, hands entwined and hearts pounding as they reached their climax together.

The world returned to focus around them, the sounds of birdsong and rustling leaves filling the air. They stood there, panting heavily and still joined together, their eyes locked on one another’s.

“Thank you for this,” Trent whispered softly, brushing a damp strand of hair from Patti’s face. “I didn’t realize how much I needed it.”

“Neither did I,” she admitted, her voice equally tender. “But that’s what makes it even more special.”

The leaves of the trees above them cast a dappled quilt of light and shade on their picnic rug. Patti and Trent lay tangled together, their limbs wrapped around each other as they basked in the afterglow of their encounter in the lake. The breeze that rustled through the branches caressed their damp skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

It was heaven.

“Can we just stay here forever, Daddy?” Patti murmured, her head nestled on Trent’s chest.

“Wouldn’t that be nice?” Trent replied softly, stroking her hair. “But the ranch needs us.”

“I feel sleepy.” She stuck a thumb in her mouth and sucked it gently.

“That’s good,” he said, “means you’re relaxed. I can make up a story if you like.”

“Mmhmm,” she mumbled.

“You ever try a paci, sweetheart?”


“You want me to get a couple for you? Could be comforting for you. Help you get back to this place.”

“My happy place,” she said, breathing out peacefully.

Trent stroked her head. He should really speak to her about the ranch’s financial issues. She might be able to help. He just hadn’t found the right time for it. He was about to say something encouraging about Patti’s happy place when he heard something—the distant sound of hoofbeats, coming closer.
