Page 112 of The Rebound

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"You’re the one who embarked on a tour of fifty cities in five months.” I force out words through a throat lined with razor blades, “And then you wonder why you’re so tired you’re unable to answer your phone whenever I call you?"

"I was focused on my career," she snaps.

"So was I."

We stare at each other, and the air in the bathroom thickens. Unsaid words, emotions, feelings press down on my chest, and my stomach churns.

Bloody fuck, it is partly my fault that this relationship has deteriorated to where it is. Open your mouth and apologize, you asshole. Tell her it’s all your fault. Tell her you’ll do everything possible to make it up to her. Tell her she’s more important to you than your career. Tell her… you care for her. Tell. Her.

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

I can't do it. She’s going to loathe me soon enough. She’s going to tell me to fuck off and out of her life when I tell her who that woman is. Not long until she’ll want nothing to do with me, but until then…Until then, I have these last few minutes with her, and I’m going to make the most of them.

I walk over to her, until the tips of my shoes brush hers. "I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you more."

Her shoulders hunch, and some of the fight seems to leach out of her. "I’m sorry I didn’t try harder to keep in touch."

"It’s no joke, trying to live up to the reputation that a first hit song confers on you," I murmur.

"It’s no joke, trying to follow up a hit movie with another. I know how much you need it to consolidate your reputation at the box office." She searches my eyes. "But I’m not sure I can look past your refusal to tell me what that woman means to you." She looks between my eyes. "Who is she, Declan? Tell me."

Tell her. Do it. Now.The band around my chest tightens, sweat pools under my arm pits. I glance to the side, then back at her, "You sure you want to know? Because once I tell you, there’s no going back."

She pales. "Declan, please. Please tell me what’s happening, because my mind is building all sorts of scenarios right now."

I hold her gaze for another second and memorize the openness of her expression, the beseeching look in her eyes, the thickness of her eyelashes, the little upturned nose, the obstinate jut of her chin, the way her lips part slightly, as she searches my face.

"Declan?" she whispers.

I squeeze my eyes shut and when I open them, she must see the resolution in them, for she tightens her fingers into fists. She begins to shake her head, and I know she senses what’s coming even before I say a word.

I reach out and wrap my fingers around her wrists, before bringing her fingers to my mouth. For the last time, if this goes according to plan. I kiss her fingertips, then look into her eyes. "She’s my fiancée."

She stares at me for a second, another, then chuckles. “Nice one. You said the same thing when you pretended to be engaged to Olivia. You don’t think I'm falling for that one again, do you?”

Ah, you know me well, my little Rabbit. Apparently, I need to up my acting skills in order to convince you of my intent... Which is to make you hate me enough that you'll walk away from me. Which is to convince you to move on so… When you find someone who's right for you, you won’t hesitate.

The thought of someone else holding her, touching her, kissing her—anger squeezes my guts. Shock compresses my chest, and it feels like I’ve been hit by a ten-ton truck.Don’t do it. Don’t.

I have to. I must.The break must be clean and final, so that she moves on with no compunctions. A sharp ache lodges in my chest. I ignore it and draw myself up to my full height. "You didn’t think our relationship was for real, did you?"

She crosses her arms over her chest. “Stop. You’re not fooling me.”

“It’s the truth.”

She opens and shuts her mouth. “You’re joking.” She scans my features, and the seriousness of my intent seems to get through to her.

She swallows, then whispers, “You’renotjoking.”

I slowly shake my head.

She pulls her hands from mine, and I can’t stop myself from leaning forward. I breathe in her scent, taking it all way into my lungs, trying to hold it there so it’s a part of my essence.

She backs away as a calculating look comes into her eyes. “If she’s your fiancée, why didn’t you bring her here?”

“She’s busy. She has a wedding to organize.” Then I say the words I know are going to seal the fate of our relationship. “Ourwedding.”

The color fades from her cheeks. “Y-y-y-your wedding?” She looks like someone just broke her heart—that would be me. I hurt her. Yes, I’m a bastard, but I’m doing it for her. I’m not good enough for her.This is the only way to make her hate me.And she’s never going to forgive you for this. She’ll never want to have any kind of relationship with you after this.Which is exactly what I want, right?

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