Page 135 of The Rebound

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"I assume that was about making him jealous?" Finn glances up at the rear-view mirror.

He’s my new bodyguard, the one Rick recommended when he left. I knew there was a chance he’d report back to Declan, but Rick assured me Finn wasn’t part of Declan’s team. My instincts were right for he’s every bit as good as Rick at his job.

"Was I that obvious?" I squeeze the bridge of my nose.What was I thinking, putting that out there?I hadn’t meant to say it, but when Declan had assumed I was getting back together with him—just because he gave me another orgasm—something inside me insisted I push back. And the look on his face was priceless. The nerve of him, to presume I’d do his movie with him and help him with the publicity for the film.

Of course, he has a point—many points, actually. I'm looking to diversify into movies. Giorgina raised the idea with me, and while I initially disregarded the idea, the more I thought about it, the more I realized it makes sense. I mentioned it to Harry who not only supported it but also began to speak with studios about it.

Time is of the essence. I need to lock down the right role while my name is still top-of-minds for my fans. Sure, the most loyal ones won’t forget about me, even if I don’t release an album for a while; but much as I hate to admit it, most of them will move onto the next big thing unless I do something. And quickly.

Which means, releasing another album through my own label. I need a little time to finalize the lyrics and write new material for it. In the meanwhile, acting in a movie is perfect to buy me time, keep money coming in, and keep me alive in the public consciousness. So, his suggestion makes sense. I hunch my shoulders.

The way he assumed I’d simply fall in with his plan, acting with him—he knew it, too. And being seen together with him is exactly what's needed to keep me relevant. Argh! His suggestions are so perfect, so spot on. Then, he had to go and spoil it all by assuming I’d just agree to whatever he suggested… Suggested. Who am I kidding? It was more like an order.

And his confidence, thinking I’d comply with whatever he wants is, annoying… And hot. It's such a turn on. It made me want to agree. Made me want to drop down on my knees in front of him and ask him to have his way with me. And that innate response from deep inside me, somehow, did not shock me, and that made it worse. Not to mention, his assumption I’d change my style of dressing on stage for him. How dare he think I’d say yes to that, like a good little woman? And yet, why did I also feel a flush of heat at his possessiveness, that he doesn’t want anyone else to see me dressed in such a revealing fashion? I run my fingers down my strands of hair and tug. The pain clears a swathe through the thoughts in my mind.

"To me, but he didn’t realize that." Finn eases the car through the late-evening traffic.

"I’m sorry; it was a spur of the moment idea." I lock my fingers together. "I wanted to do something to unnerve him."

"And going by the shock on his face, you did."

I still remember the way Declan’s jaw dropped. For a few seconds, he went silent. The dominant alphahole himself, taken by surprise. Imagine that. Then, he recovered long enough to glare down at where I had my arm linked through Finn’s. He set his jaw, and a vein throbbed at his temple. His shoulders swelled, and I swear, he grew physically bigger. It’s as if there's a Hulk hidden somewhere inside of him that I never sensed before. The one he seemed very close to unleashing. I knew it was time to high-tail it out of there, so I hustled Finn out of the room. And thought we’d escaped. Except, Declan was right behind us.

"This isn’t over, Solene," he growled.

I cuddled closer to Finn, then turned to glance at Declan over my shoulder—just in time to see the muscles at his jaw flex. The man was grinding his teeth so hard, it wouldn't surprise me if he cracked a molar. One can only hope. His biceps flexed. He curled his fingers into fists at his sides, and if we stayed there for one more second, I'm pretty sure a fight would have broken out.

So, I took the coward’s way out. I gave Declan a mock salute—just like the one he gave me when he was on that motorcycle—and had the pleasure of seeing his eyes widen in surprise. Then I turned and ran out of there, pulling Finn along behind me. To my surprise, Declan didn’t follow. To my relief, Finn didn’t protest. We made it to the parking lot and out of there in minutes. And I still can't wipe the grin off of my face.

I'm safe from Declan’s anger… For now. So why has my heart not stopped beating so hard? Why are my palms still damp? And why is my pussy still throbbing in reaction to how pissed off Declan was? Angry Declan is almost as hot as possessive Declan. Angry Declan means he’ll throw me over his lap and spank me, and then have his way with me.

My core clenches. My panties dampen further, and I can’t stop thinking of how he licked me there. He didn’t come, either. His entire focus was on my pleasure. On me. On making me his. I wrap my arms about my waist. The way he made me come, then took care of me made me go weak in the knees, and in the heart. He definitely has feelings for me, even if he refuses to admit it, thatstronzo.

"Solene, I asked you a question."

"Eh, what?" I glance up and meet Finn’s eyes in the rear-view mirror.

His lips quirk. He’s one fine specimen of a man, with his thick lashes, dreamy eyes, high cheekbones and broad shoulders that almost equal Declan’s. He's almost too perfect. Unlike Declan’s flawed countenance, that makes him so much more rugged, so much more attractive. Sadly, Finn prefers men. Not that he’d do anything for me, even if he were straight. Which is another reason why I told Declan he was my boyfriend.

"There are paps on our tail, so I’m going to try to lose them, okay?"

I glance out the window, then behind me, but all I see are rows of slowly moving cars approaching a traffic jam.

"Are you sure?"

He scowls at the side-view mirror. "That van’s been tailing us since we left Harry's office."

"Shit, how did they know I was there?"

"They probably waited outside, hoping to spot someone, and then saw you."

I blow out a breath. "Do what you have to do to lose them."

He throws the car into reverse and backs up. The car behind us honks. He ignores it, then turns the steering wheel and pulls out into the next traffic lane. Brakes screech, there’s more honking, and someone yells. He steps on the accelerator, and the car leaps forward as he pulls into the breakdown lane, passing rows of gridlocked cars. The traffic begins to ease. That’s when he spots an opening and slides in. The car behind applies its brakes, and the driver rolls down his window, shows us the finger and yells at us. But we’re in and moving.
