Page 162 of The Rebound

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"You trust them?"

He hesitates, then: "I trust JJ, Michael and Sinclair, and if they say this group can do the job, then yeah, I trust their opinion on this, too."

I rub the back of my neck. "How’s Abby?"

"As well as can be expected, under the circumstances. Sinclair and Michael’s wives, and JJ’s girlfriend have formed a support group around her. If it weren't for them, I couldn’t have allowed myself to be away and involved in the planning." I hear the gratitude in his voice.

"I wish I could be there."

"You’re there, at the other end of the line. I know, no matter what, you’ll always pick up the phone when I call. And this, despite facing the most important project of your life."

"You mean the movie?"

"That, too."

I shake my head. "When did you get so wise on relationships?"

"Since I had to get my head out of my own arse and realize nothing's more important than Abby."

"I envy your clarity on that."

"You have Solene. You’re in love with her. There’s no other truth in your life."

"There’s my career and hers," I protest.

"Red herrings. Distractions. And you know it."

"You don’t know what you’re talking about, man." I roll my shoulders.

"Don’t I? You know what I gave up to be with Abby."

"And do you regret it?"

"Not for one second." Someone calls out his name in the background. "Right. The team’s regrouping to discuss strategy; gotta go."

I disconnect the call, then call my pilot. "Ready the jet. I’m on my way."



"This is bullshit. He tells me he wants me in the movie with him, but not only am I not on set with him, but he’s gone and left both of you behind to watch over me? What am I, five?"

Not to mention, he implies he wants to win back my trust but then ups and leaves without telling me. And that, after fucking me so deeply I can still feel him inside me. All I have is a text message from him saying he’ll call for me when it's time for me to shoot.

Every time he’s inside me, he seems to come undone. Our lovemaking is intense and earth-shattering. Each experience is different and confirms to me that we are meant to be together. He must sense it too and that's why he takes off. He’s, clearly, running scared.

“Well?” I scowl at Rick and Morty—oops, I mean Rick and Finn. The two look at each other, then Rick raises his shoulders. Finn glowers at him. They scowl at each other for a few seconds more—how strange. Apparently the two of them aren’t happy with this latest development, either. Finn is the first to look away.

“It’s only temporary.” Rick holds up his hands. “Only until he’s readied everything on set.”

“Stop making excuses for him.” I stab my finger at him. “And stop patronizing me. I’m not a child. There’s no reason he couldn’t have told me this in his own words before he hopped a flight and ran off. Also, why are you with me? Why are you not with him? Aren’t you his security detail?”

He shuffles his feet. "Declan was insistent we both stay here to protect you.”

"From what?"

Finn rocks forward on his feet. "From your fans. From anyone who gets overeager about getting close to you."
