Page 13 of Volatile

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“We’re seriously going to be here that long?” He sighed and took a seat on the sofa, dragging the coffee table closer to him to get some lines set up.

“He’s not out yet. That’s not my fault.” At least I wouldn’t be taking the blame for it.

“What’s not your fault?” Royal asked, stepping out of the bathroom and rubbing a towel over his hair.

I turned around to lean against the counter and instantly regretted it. Royal stood in just boxer briefs with what had to be at least a halfy, if not a full hard on, filling the front of them. He was massive. I’d never seen him naked, despite how much time we’d spent in hotels and tour busses before the band made it big. He rarely came out in anything less than jeans. Shirtless, sure, but this...

I tore my gaze away from his dick to see if King and Taylor had the same reaction. They both blinked at him. I was glad it wasn’t just me.

“What the fuck, bro?” Taylor lifted a hand like he was shielding his eyes from the sight. “Where are your damn pants? I could go blind by whatever you stuffed your boxers with.”

Was this payback?

Royal glanced down and rolled his eyes. “My jeans have a fucking rip in the crotch.” He held them up. “Stop being perverted.” He said it all while looking directly at me.

He knew.

I colored under the attention, unable to hide.

I swallowed—hard—willing the sight not to go to my dick. These jeans were loose, but not loose enough to hide my growing cock. I’d have to be tucking into my waistband.

“What’s not your fault?” Royal asked again when I didn’t answer.

“That you were still in the shower,” I said, daring him to call me out.

“You were in there a long time. You expect me not to do the same?” He smirked like this was some sort of game.

My upper lip curled. “I’m sore. We aren’t as young as we used to be. I was trying to work out the tension in my neck.” I shrugged, trying to play it off.

What the fuck was he doing?

“Is that what you were working out?” Royal asked, deadpan.

Had he heard me? “Yeah, it was. You could have used one of the other showers.”

“You could have told me you were going to take a while,” he said curtly. What was his fucking problem? It was like he wanted to pick a fight.

“Fine. Are you ready to go out?” I asked, done with all of this.

“I’ve just cut these lines.” Kingsley said from behind me, and I could feel his stare burning into the back of my head.

I exhaled slowly. “No shit. I mean after those.”

I turned my back on Royal and wished I’d put the skirt back on to piss him off if he was going to spend the rest of the night acting like a douche. I took the straw from my wallet and dropped to my knees to do two lines to calm myself the fuck down.

King did one, then waved Taylor over.

He waved us off. “Not tonight.”

Royal towered over me with his entire bulk of a body, menacing, like he was trying to intimidate me to move or something. I didn’t know what his fucking problem was. He was a dick but never treated me badly. Like he’d been body snatched, every interaction was different.

I got out of the way and didn’t offer my straw. He could use his own or King’s if this was the way he wanted to be. I didn’t have the mental energy for the confusion.

Once we all had a little coke in our system, I expected the night to go better, but it was all fucking downhill from there.


