Page 43 of Volatile

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After how he acted last night, I didn’t want to be near him.

We spent the entire flight in silence, and I was sure it would be the same as soon as we were given separate rooms.



After we landed, they immediately stuck us on a smaller plane to fly to the island. I sat in the window, turning away from Royal. I wasn’t even mad at him. I was so fucking hurt. He treated me normally at the museum, and I fucking missed him. I’d had fun doing this thing and pushing his buttons, but playing our final show made me realize I’d lost my best friend and I wouldn’t get him back. Not as long as he held onto this thing.

How different our lives had gone. I hated my father while he worshiped his. But it wasn’t because one was better than the other. They were the same man, just in different fonts. We were both beaten within an inch of our lives on more than one occasion. Royal had merely gotten off easier because his queerness was easier for him to bury while I spent every day carrying the scars mine had given me, both directly and indirectly.

It felt a little White Lotus as we checked in. They greeted us with fake smiles, whisking us away to a private room to check-in. We were used to it, either pre-checked in by our manager or removed from the public spaces for special treatment. It felt odd in a place like this that only catered to high-profile clientele.

Katlyn introduced herself, walking through the procedures, which I mostly ignored. I didn’t have the brainpower to deal with bubbly today. She handed us off to our private concierge Luna to escort us to our bungalows.

“This way, your luggage is already in the rooms.” Luna extended her arm, letting us take the lead.

“Luggage?” I repeated after she said it. “I didn’t pack anything.”

Luna scrunched up her face. “Your personal assistant or manager must have done it, then?”

“Great. I can’t wait to see what Levi packed me,” Royal muttered, pulling his sunglasses off the top of his head as Luna led us outside.

I laughed at the thought. Levi was in his villain era, just like I was.

“If you two need anything facilitated while on the island, please don’t hesitate to call or come over. As your personal concierge, I am here to help you make your stay the best it can be.”

“Thanks,” I said as she showed us how our little bracelets opened the door, then explained how they were our passes to our ‘allowed’ areas on the island.

So they restricted us on this little vacation too? Great.

“Do you have any questions,” Luna asked.

“Whose bungalow is this?” Royal asked.

“I don’t understand the question?” Confusion played over her face, glancing between us.

“You said our luggage is already here, so I just want to know if this is his or mine so I can go in and shower.” Royal sounded annoyed.

“It’s both of yours. Was that not clear?” Luna’s eyes grew like she was just realizing our expectations.

“What?” Royal burst out.

Fuck me.

Had Levi done this on purpose?

“Aspen can stay here. I’m going to need another bungalow. We can’t stay together.”

“I’m so sorry, sir. We are fully booked. Your manager reserved the last one, and since it was so last minute, he was lucky we had a cancellation. Our ocean bungalows are highly sought after for only our most high-profile clients.”

“I’m actually not picky. A room is fine. Whatever you have. I don’t care if it’s a downgrade, and I’ll pay for it.” Royal had his wallet out to hand over his black card.

Luna held out her hand to stop him. “I’m sorry, sir. I mean, we are at full capacity on this side of the island.”

“Can you move me to the other side?”

“Not with the services you need to—um—complete your stay.”
