Page 54 of Volatile

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“I know what you’re in here for.”

I blinked in pure confusion. “What? You know where Aspen is?”

“No, I know why you’re on the island, and I’ve read the news. I don’t want to get beat up. I have a panic button under the desk.”

“First, no, you don’t. Second, what has backing away from the desk done for you, then?” I stepped further into the tiny office, closing the door behind me. “Want to try again?”

“I will press charges. This is holding me against my will.”

Was this dude for real?

I scrubbed a hand over my face. The news cycle must have gotten worse. “I’m not holding you, and I’m sure you signed an NDA. Besides, this place isn’t even under any law you’d know how to navigate.”

I was also betting I had way more money than he had access to and could bribe my way out of it, but I didn’t think a place like this would let it come to that.

He huffed.

“So I’m right?”

“They’ll kick you out.” He threw out like it was a last resort.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m so broken up about it.”

He crossed his arms. “What do you want?”

“Where is Aspen?” Since he knew who I was, he had to know, so I didn’t bother explaining myself.

“Umm.” He side-eyed me as he took his seat at his desk and scanned the screens. “I don’t see him.”

“Exactly my issue.”

“Er...he’s not in danger, is he?”

“No, nothing like that. I just need to find him.”

He nodded and typed on his keyboard, changing views. He then pulled up a log, which I assumed listed the bands we wore. Since they allowed us access to places based on where we were and weren’t allowed to go, it was easy to conclude they’d have a log of everywhere we’d been. He scanned the data and frowned. “He’s not at the bar?”


“Hmm.” He went back to the camera views.

“That doesn’t seem good,” I said when he still hadn’t figured it out.

“He has to be somewhere that we don’t have have good coverage because I can’t seem to find him.”

I snarled, and he jumped. “Aren’t there like GPS on those damn things?”

“What? No, they aren’t that good. They are for tracking, but we aren’t jail. People aren’t swimming off the island or some shit.”

I rolled my eyes because if I had to stay here and deal with Aspen fucking someone else, I would make a fucking raft to Cast Away this shit. “Look again. Is there a way to see if he went back to any rooms or another bungalow?”

“I mean...I can see if he was in any of the hallways, but he really shouldn’t be with another person in their room.”

Like people here had never fucked before. Was he really so naïve? “What is even the point of your job if you can’t find someone?”

“To make sure no one is doing anything obviously dangerous?” He said it like he was askingmea damn question.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I—” What did I even say? The burning the hotel down thing was sounding better by the minute.“Where was the last place he was?”
