Page 79 of Volatile

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I glared at him. “Fuck.”

“So do you see merit in not allowing others to push you to those extremes?”

“Maybe,” I huffed.

“So what should you do next time someone provokes you?”

“Pay someone to kill them.” I deadpanned.

“I need a water bottle to squirt you next time you provide a bad answer,” Ian laughed softly.

Aspen joined him, trying to disguise it in his elbow.

I flipped them both off.

“Let’s try again. Next time you feel out of control, what should you do?”

“Drag Aspen to the bathroom for a violent fuck.” I nodded, proud of myself for that answer.

Aspen’s mouth dropped open, and he stared.

“Are you two...” Ian moved his finger between the two of us. “Do you... I thought you were here because there was a conflict.”

“We fucked that out,” I said. Since Aspen had been quiet, I might as well put it all out there. I smiled over at him. “Right?”

“I mean, technically, that’s what happened.”

“Oh...” Ian trailed off. It felt like a win, making the therapist speechless. Ian took a moment to collect himself, then said at length, “So then, is the conflict temporarily resolved, or is there a possibility it will arise again? Because sex is a great bandaid, but it isn’t a resolution.”

“It’s a resolution in this circumstance.”I glanced over at Aspen.

He nodded in agreement.

“I know it can feel that way, but if you don’t get to the bottom of issues, they will return,” Ian said with such conviction, I almost laughed. It was cute how much he cared about his job.

“Let me make it more clear. The issue was I wanted to fuck him and was avoiding him. So the fuck solved the issue, and unless he breaks up with me, we should be good on that front.”

It took Ian a moment to process. “I see. Considering the complicated nature of your friendship and working relationship and now physical relationship, I would advise therapy to keep up on conflict.”

“Of course you would.” Why did everyone think the answer to everything was therapy?

“I don’t think it’s a bad idea. Can’t hurt to have a space to keep us good. I don’t want to get how we were again.” Aspen turned towards me as he said it. “Would you do it with me?”

I sighed. “You know I will.”

He smiled. “Thank you.”

Aspen had to know I’d do anything for him.

“Let’s circle back. What do you think would be good to do next time you’re going to lose it?”

“I stand firm in my first answer. I think taking it out on Aspen is the best bet there. He likes it, right?”

Aspen lifted a shoulder and got a coy smile.


“What if he’s not there? Or the conflict you’re having is with Aspen.”
