Page 84 of Volatile

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“What does this mean for the band? What if you break up?” Levi’s eyes got wide. “Are you going public? Are you dating or fucking?” He kept going like he’d short-circuited.

I tried to get a word in, but Levi didn’t stop.

“Let him get it out. No use in trying to talk to him while he’s in a spiral.” Royal turned my face towards his again with one finger.

“Maybe he should go stay for a couple of weeks at Black Diamond.”

“He could probably use it. He seems so stressed out.” Royal brushed his lips over mine. “Happiness tastes good on you.”

Royal opened the door as soon as we pulled up in front of Ma’s place. “We’ll talk after the holidays.”

“You can’t leave this for a week. We need to talk about what your plan is.”

Royal and I exchanged a glance. “We’ll let you know when we decide.”

“We need a planning meeting before you decide anything.”

I held up my hand. “No. We will decide what we want, and you can pitch a plan after. If I’ve learned anything from all the people we know who’ve tried to manage relationships in this industry, it’s to not let career advice come between you, so we won’t be. We are going to do what’s best for us. We come before our jobs.” I closed the door before Levi could get a word in.

Royal stood there, a big grin on his face. “Wow.”

“Good wow?”

“Very good. I like that. I like that we come first.”

“It’s the only way to do it.” I wanted to reach out and touch him. To grab him and kiss him, but until we talked, it was too big a risk, standing out on the street. Let alone before he told his mother.

He reached for my hand and stopped himself. “We need to talk.”



It was late, and after his Ma made us a pot of tea, she went to bed. She’d always been an early riser, so going to bed at nine was normal. We sat at the old kitchen table, the one we used to eat at as teens, feet locked together, enjoying the tea. Royal had tried to upgrade her house and furniture over the years, but she would only let him buy stuff when the old one broke. So most of the house was still a relic.

Thankfully, Royal wouldn’t hear it when it came to his room. He said if we were going to visit and stay, he wanted a nice space, so she had allowed him to upgrade his room and ensuite.

“Let’s go upstairs.” Royal had a glint in his eyes.

I dropped my voice as I pushed back into my seat. “You’re not going to fuck me at your mom’s house, are you?”

“We’ll be upstairs, and she’ll be down.”

“I don’t think you can be quiet.” I carried our dishes to the sink glancing over my shoulder.

He stood towering over me. “I’ll keep my mouth on your skin and put a hand over yours. Problem solved.”

“Not until after we’ve talked,” I said when we were in our room with the door closed behind us. As much as I wanted him buried inside me, I knew if I used sex to put it off, I wouldn’t sleep.

He looked like he was about to argue but gave a nod instead. “Let me get out of these clothes and then we need to. I don’t want to fuck first and not actually talk.”

I ditched my jeans and didn’t bother putting anything else on. The faded tee and briefs would be good enough. “I don’t think I could.” It gave me anxiety.

Royal paused, standing in just his boxers. “Has it been bothering you since I said we needed to talk?”

I lifted a shoulder. “Kind of.”

He tossed the clothes he had in his hands and collected me in his arms. “I need to do a better job of realizing when you’re not doing so well.”
