Page 101 of Dominant Desires

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And my heart swells in my chest.

“Don’t,” I rush out, barely audible.

He stands without warning, and paces back and forth across the living area in distress.

As soon as his eyes set on mine, everything falls quiet.

Too quiet.

This isn’t right.

From the way he’s staring down at me, my instinct is proven accurate. We were fine before we met, and now, our lives have become disrupted. Chaotic. I’m not the only one affected in this mess. Finally, I can see everything perfectly clear.

Jaxon has been affected, too. The only worlds we’ve ever known now seem to spin helplessly in circles.

Far beyond our control.

I quickly stand, and hurry toward him. “Don’t do it.”

His face drops.

“Whatever you’re about to do to me, don’t,” I beg.

Stepping forward, he takes my face between his hands. “You don’t understand,” he blatantly replies, eyes widened. “You’ve given me no goddamn choice.”

And he releases me.

We finally begin to descend. All I can focus on is how tense Jaxon seems sitting in the seat beside me. He shuts his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

I have never seen him this way. This is a man who has always been in control, calm and collected.

Now, he appears to be the complete opposite.

Once we step outside the aircraft, I immediately recognize where I am. My stomach turns over. It’s the same private airport as the one back at home.

“New York,” I blurt out. “Why are we in New York?”

He’s expressionless, silent.

Finally getting a grasp of reality, I understand why he has brought me here. Just like that, our arrangement must be over.

Our contract is being terminated.

The clouds darken, and a storm approaches. There’s a strong flash of lightning as the sky grumbles. Focusing on the soft pitter-patter of the rain against the windshield, it’s as if the Heavens above are acting on behalf of my emotions.

There’s a boom of thunder, and it begins to downpour, almond size droplets splattering against the glass.

We pull over to the side of the road, and the moment I take in our surroundings, my heart sinks.

I’m reminded of chaos, loss, and grief.

Throwing open the car door, I rush toward the black gate of the cemetery. There’s a wall of water, hammering down, soaking every inch of me.

My heart swells in my chest, and tears threaten my eyes.

Memories rapidly come flooding back to me.

Memories of my childhood, the accident.
