Page 103 of Dominant Desires

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“I hate you,” I tell him, blinking back tears.

Shoving him again with all my might, he stumbles back, and I shove him again.

And again…

And again.

The darkened sky flashes, and thunder viciously roars from above. He grabs my wrist, and brings me against him. Pulling away, I fling out my arms, pounding my fists on his chest.

“I fucking hate you!”

Hating him for offering me this deal.

“I wish I never met you!”

Hating him for kissing me.

“I should’ve left you!”

Hating him for hurting me.

“Messing with my head, turning on me at the cabin, calling me your fucking pet!”

Hating him for bringing me here.

My fists pound harder. “How fucking dare you!”

Hating him for making mefeelagain.


Hating him for making me feel the same way about him, that he feels about me. My mind is racing, and my ears are ringing. My heart is hammering so fast I can barely breathe.

And finally, I run out of breath, and fall into his arms. Jaxon holds me tight, so tight that I’m nearly crushed by his strength.

Tears escape from the corners of my eyes, and I cling to him for dear life. It feels like he’s physically holding me together, and if he were to let go at any moment, I would fall apart.

I would crumble into nothing.

The coldness of the rain seeps through my clothes, chilling my skin. The rain beats down against the trees, splattering against the pavement, and flooding the street. All I can smell is the musky air from the rainfall mixed with Jaxon’s cologne.

My favorite smell in the whole world.

He gazes down at me, and the water beads down his face, coating his eyelashes and lips.

“I can’t sleep. I can barely eat,” he says, cupping my face with his hand, tracing beneath my eyes with his thumb. “I’m fucking up at work, left and right. I’ve been spending every waking second trying to think of ways to get you back.”

Blinking up at him, I am lost.

Yet, I am found.

“Don’t,” I desperately plead, as he brushes his thumb against my quivering lips. “Please, stop—”

“No,” he breathes, his face softening. “You need to hear this, dammit. I’ve never felt this way before. About anyone. Never.”

“You’re so full of shit,” I whimper, and he brings me closer.

“When we met, I wanted the challenge. I craved it,” he grits out, heat in his eyes. “I wanted you. I wanted to corrupt you.”
