Page 12 of Dominant Desires

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“I’m happy to hear that. Would you mind handing me that towel?”

Standing close, I hand him the towel and look away just in time, before he has the chance to step into my view.

The moment I look back to him, my heart races. The water drips softly down his hair. With his broad shoulders, solid chest, and toned abdomen, my knees feel like they are moments away from buckling.

My gaze travels down further, and I lay my eyes above the towel wrapped around his waist, enhancing the curve at his hips.

And it slips. “Oh, God.”

“Not quite. Just me.”

I’m rushing out of the bathroom before I know it, waiting patiently on the couch as the minutes pass by.

“For God’s sake, Richard.” Jaxon sounds outraged as he enters the room. “This was an utter waste of my time. It was your job to inform me about this yesterday the moment you had an official statement regarding the changed date. I’m done with this.”

With that, he ends the call.

“Is everything all right?”

Jaxon Edwards has on a pair of nice, black dress pants along with a collared, dark blue, button-up long sleeve shirt.

“It appears I won’t be staying in New York after all. You need to decide by five o’clock. Today.”

He slips his arms through his suit jacket, shrugging it on.

“Where is it, Mr. Edwards?”

“Where you left it.”


My gaze meets the binding contract resting lifelessly on the table. I blink at him, unsure what to say. My hands are fidgeting on my lap, my palms are clammy, and all the color drains from my face.Thirty thousand dollars, I remind myself.

Who knew that such tiny, black words typed out on a piece of paper could have such a drastic impact on my life.

Jaxon Edwards sits beside me, and finally, I begin to read.


As I stare down at the contract before me, I try desperately to seem untouched with what I have read. What do I say? Slowly lifting my head, our eyes meet.

Something inside me instantly changes.

I’ve never felt more alive. It’s as if every neuron in my brain is erupting. Instead of feeling numb, I feel rejuvenated.

“Do you have any questions?”

“Okay,” I blurt out.


“Yes, Mr. Edwards. I’ll do it.”

He begins to stand. “I’ll get a pen.”

“Wait,” I rush out, and he stills. “Not yet. I don’t want to sign anything until I see where I’ll be staying, and I want to know you for more than just an hour.”

He appears amused with my regulations.
