Page 85 of Dominant Desires

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“Shall we?” he asks.

Placing my hand lightly in his, he plants a kiss against my skin.

I weakly grin. “We shall.”


There’s a black hummer limo parked idle in the driveway. As I find my seat, the interior has me entranced, drawn to every detail.

There’re neon lights at the floor’s surface and above us, shining vivaciously through the ceiling. With the black leather seats, and bottles of champagne resting alongside one of the rows, this feels like a fantasy come to life.

Gazing out the tinted windows, I watch our surroundings outside change as we glide down the highway. The lights downtown enhance the palm trees swaying slightly in the wind. It’s a beautiful sight.

“Would you like a glass of champagne?” Jaxon asks, breaking the comfortable silence between us.

“Please,” I reply.

He swiftly retrieves the bottle, and pours two glasses. My taste buds welcome the sweet and bubbly taste as I take the first sip.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“One of the finest dining establishments around.”

Twenty minutes must pass, until finally, we appear to be in a wealthy area downtown. The trees, pillars, and light poles are strung up with white lights, glowing in the moonlight.

As we come to a stop at the curb of the restaurant, it’s evident he wasn’t lying about the fine dining.

“We’ve arrived,” Jaxon announces, exiting the limo.

Placing my hand in his, I step out into the night, and the brisk air welcomes me.

We walk up the front steps hand in hand, striding toward the large front doors, before two doormen open them for us.

“Gentlemen,” Jaxon says, nodding formally in their direction. “Appreciate it.”

They lower their heads in unison.

It reminds me of the first night we had met, when the valet at the hotel couldn’t seem to stop bowing in Jaxon’s presence. Sighing quietly under my breath, we enter the elegant restaurant, greeted by dim lights and quiet chatter among the guests.

Jaxon sneaks his arm around my waist as we approach the host stand.

“Reservation for Edwards,” he states, his tone booming masculinity. Power.

“Jaxon Edwards,” the hostess says, a strong blush crossing her cheeks. “Yes, I see. Reservations for two. The special.”

Her gaze meets mine, and for a split second, I’m able to see the envy behind her eyes. She gathers two menus and exchanges a silent stare with another hostess.

“Right this way,” she announces, and we follow behind her.

There’s a countless amount of people in the dining area, and an unimaginable number of servers weaving through tables.

Finally, the hostess brings us to a door, and she slowly slides it open. Jaxon has set up a private room for the two of us to ensure our complete privacy from the outside world.

This must have cost him an absolute fortune. My head spins the moment I take in the seductive feel, the soft music, and beautifully decorated table in the center.

She leads us further into the room, and places our menus onto the table. Before I can even blink, Jaxon pulls out my chair like the perfect gentleman, waiting patiently. The weight on my shoulders builds up and I suddenly feel so much pressure. I never would have imagined him arranging something like this for me.

Not in a million years.
