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Steffan slowly bent closer to her, giving her a chance to turn away if she wanted, or maybe he simply knew the effect his slow descent to her lips was having on her. She melted into a puddle of yearning for him. It was delicious torture.

Their lips met, just a soft touch of his alluring lips, a heartbeat of a perfect, sweet kiss.

Then Steffan let out a telling groan and murmured, “Hattie.”

In the next instant, he claimed her lips with his.

Claimed. Hattie had never been claimed by a man. She’d been kissed many, many times by men who weren’t brave, brilliant, bold princes.

This kiss was everything she’d been searching for. Years of traveling and meeting people and dating handsome and fun and accomplished men, and in this moment, this kiss, she knew she’d been found. And she knew she wanted—no,needed—more out of life. More out of herself.

She needed him.

Hattie arched up and returned the kiss with all the connection, respect, and love she’d never admit she was longing for. It wasn’t only her longing; it was him. Steffan was all she’d longed for, all she wanted.

Steffan, Steffan, Steffan, her mind cried out happily as his lips took possession of her heart, body, and soul. This kiss was eye-opening and life-changing. She’d found her home and it was this man’s arms, not a location. All she knew was she never, ever wanted to leave.

The front door banged open.

Hattie yanked away, looking at the man and woman staring at them from the doorframe. A tall, handsome prince, obviously Steffan’s brother, and a beautiful dark-haired lady with warm, brown eyes.

“What in the Sam Hill is happening here?” the woman demanded, delight filling her eyes and her Southern accent strong. “Y’all are eating my delicious leftovers, making a mess of my kitchen, and then smooching against my countertop?”

Hattie tried to pull away, but Steffan hadn’t even looked around at his brother and sister-in-law. He was fully focused on her. “This is to be continued,” he said softly, his blue eyes sincere.

Hattie wanted to continue kissing and being close and falling for him.

But reality crashed into her. Hard.

Steffan wasn’t her home. He wasn’t hers at all. After they finally met Franz at four a.m., she’d go on her way. A different direction than she’d been going, but it didn’t include Augustine. How would they ‘continue’ anything?

She didn’t have the heart to admit that right now.

“Happily,” she told him.

A slow grin spread over his face. He straightened away from her, turned, and put his arm around her waist.

She was sunk.

“Curt, Aliya, allow me to introduce Hattie Ballard, the most incredible woman I’ve ever met.” He focused on her. “She was in a paragliding accident and then a man stole her money, passport, even her clothing, and she has never once given up or even complained. She simply keeps dealing with everything with a positive attitude while putting a smile on my face.” The adoring gaze he bestowed on her said he meant every word. “Hattie, this is my brother and sister-in-law. We’re interrupting their honeymoon, but they’ll forgive us once they get to know you.”

Hattie’s heart rate picked up. Was he for real? He saw more in her than anybody except her own parents had.

“Whoo-ee,” Aliya said, fanning her face and winking at her princely husband, who looked amused. “That is the sweetest introduction I haveeverheard. Well, stop keeping her all to yourself. If you’re going to interrupt our honeymoon, let us get to know this beautiful and incredible lady.”

Hattie smiled, but her heart raced. She always did well in social situations, but she had an odd fear of letting Steffan and his brother and sister-in-law down. She wanted to be as incredible as he claimed and continue to make him smile. To be a woman who would make her parents proud, worthy of a man like him. She wanted to never leave his side, but the fact was she wasn’t an equal to him or worthy of him.

Like an old farmer from home used to say, “You can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first.”

She had to learn how to deal with leaving Steffan, because wishing for a different future than she already knew was set in stone wouldn’t change anything. All she’d end up with was a crap-load of heartache—and she’d already had enough heartache to last a lifetime.


Steffan had known Hattie and Aliya would hit it off. Hattie’s southern accent started manifesting itself stronger the longer the two women chatted. He appreciated seeing that side of her. He’d happily view any side of this intriguing and beautiful woman. He’d been far too transparent today and had hardly thought about the hospital and the responsibilities that were usually his focus. Hattie consumed his attention. He had never seen himself as the type of guy who could fall hard and fast in an extreme situation, but he’d never been in an extreme situation with the likes of Hattie Ballard.

Even if he hadn’t known Hattie was a billionaire heiress, it was obvious she came from an insane amount of money. But she didn’t ‘put on airs,’ as Aliya would say.

The money barrier didn’t bother either of the women. Hattie and Aliya chatted while Curt and Aliya ate fajitas, and then they all cleaned up lunch. They chatted as the four of them played one of Aliya’s made-up card games, Baseball. They chatted as they all went to see what Curt was building in the shop and on a short hike to Aliya’s favorite waterfall, where they all rappelled down with Curt taking care of all the details. They chatted as they all made a pasta dinner, ate, cleaned up, and played a different card game.
