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I have 5,369 notifications from this app alone.

“Holy. Fucking. Shit. This can’t be happening.”

Wondering if I just got spammed by the bots, I click on the first notification, and I’m immediately brought to the video Sloane posted. I don’t bother watching it, but my eyes bug out of their sockets when I see the number of views this video has in less than twenty-four hours.

“Two point six million views. Are you fucking kidding me?”

My fingers tremble, and I can barely hold my phone in place. Glutton for punishment, I squeeze my eyes shut and mentally prepare for the onslaught of comments. I’m certain there will be some trolls, but I have no idea how many. When I feel I can handle whatever’s hiding in the comment thread, I open my eyes and slowly press the link.

The first comment reads:

“I need to see this LIVE! When and where?”

As I scroll through, many comments are similar. Most like my music and can’t wait to see more. A couple are from people I know, and I’m wondering how this ended up on their FYP, while most are from complete strangers. I’m overwhelmed and in utter shock from the amount of responses. I had no idea one of my videos would go viral.

My cheeks burn when I come to some that are wildly inappropriate, and it takes everything in me not to reply.

No… I am not looking for a baby mama. I’m not looking for someone to lick me from head to toe either… and I’m certainly not interested in a three-way because both her and her husband think I’m hot.

The nerve of some people.

Thankfully, those comments are few and far between. I continue reading the words, but my brain can’t fathom this reality. This is next-level insanity.

Just as I’m about to put my phone away, I’m tagged in another video from Sloane. Clicking it open, I wonder if this woman ever sleeps. To my surprise, this one is me interacting with the crowd between songs. Then I close my eyes and start into one of my favorite songs I’ve written to date—“Hoping You See This.” It’s one I wrote about feeling invisible when it comes to a childhood crush. It’s not about anyone specifically, rather a fictitious girl I’d hopefully meet some day, and she’d feel what I’m feeling for her. I wrote it after I watched my roommate start dating, and I was stuck alone in our apartment each night.

Knowing she’s up, I tap out a text to Sloane.

Me: Holy shit. Is this really happening?

Immediately, her response comes through.

Sloane: You’d better get used to it. I told you you’d be a hit.

Me: Over two million views??? How the hell could I even fathom that.

Sloane: Have you been brave enough to look through the comments?

Me: Not all 5000 of them. But enough to get the point.

Sloane: And that is???

Me: That people like my music

Sloane: Did you think I’ve been lying to you?

Me: No. But it doesn’t mean I was prepared for this either.

Sloane: I’ve got an early meeting online. I’ve gotta run. Live it up, Rock Star! This is only the beginning for you… mark my words.

Me: I’m not sure to be excited or terrified that you’ve set your mind to this. Have a good day.

Sloane: Be afraid… Very afraid (rubs palms together). I’ve got big plans for you. Talk soon.

Laughing, I silence my app notifications and throw my phone on my bed beside me. I need to get some sleep if I’m going to work until ten tonight.

Just as I’m about to drift off, my phone rings with a call from my sister. She’s in the same house as me, so what the hell is she calling me for at this hour?

“I’m literally right down the hall from you. Why are you calling?” I say in greeting. I know I’m an ass, but it’s annoying when she could literally walk down the hall to tell me what she needs.
