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I refuse to change a single thing I’m doing until I’m certain I’ve coaxed every last ounce of pleasure from her. I won’t be that guy who leaves her hanging midway through an epic orgasm. I want it all. I need to taste every last drop of her.

When her hands and legs relax and fall to the sides, I crawl up her body and look her in the eye. Her lids remain closed as she fights for her breath.

Brushing a strand of hair from her face, I whisper, “You okay?”

Without opening her eyes, she smiles. “I think you broke me in the most delicious way.”

Leaning in, I kiss her once more. “Need me to put you back together again?”

“Maybe… can’t move…” she draws out as her head flops to the side again.

God, she’s fucking adorable blissed out. I hope I can keep her in this state as often as possible.

These last few weeks have been crazy to say the least. Between the festival starting tomorrow and every spare moment I spend with Jax, I’m living on adrenaline, caffeine, and great sex. My only saving grace is that ever since the ropes course, Jax has stayed at my place a few nights a week. I swear it’s the only way we’d see one another.

Tonight, when he gets off work from the restaurant, we’re hanging with my sisters at the beach for a bonfire. I’m so grateful they like him, or things would’ve been over before it started. It’s my last night off before the festival is in full swing, so I want to make every moment count.

I’m finishing some last-minute things for work when I hear a knock at our door. Knowing it’s likely Jax, I close my laptop and rush to answer. I’m surprised to find a stranger instead. “Raven?” he asks, clearly thinking I should know him. Before I can say anything, he mutters, “It’s me… Loren… Uh… Well… this is weird.” He looks at his watch. “Didn’t you ask me to come by at seven?”

“I’m sure Raven did, but this is Sloane, her sister,” Jax says, climbing the stairs behind him.

“Hey, babe, how was your day?” Jax asks, leaning in to give me a quick kiss.

Then he turns to Loren. “Hey, man, I thought that was you. How are you?”

Loren’s face lights up with recognition. “Great to see you. I’m here to see Raven. Is she here?”

“She’s already down at the beach with Lizzy. You’re welcome to walk through the house to get there.”

After letting him in, I lock the door. Then I point Loren in the direction of the deck, and we walk through the house together. “How long you in town for?” Loren asks Jax. Obviously, they must’ve grown up together.

“I’m just here for the summer. What are you up to these days?” Jax says as he opens the sliding door for us. Then he turns to me. “Got everything you need?”

Nodding once, I grab the bag I’d placed by the back porch.

As we walk down the steps, Loren continues their conversation, “I’ve just finished my sophomore year at CRU, then I’ll go wherever I can get a job.”

“I get that,” Jax mutters, then he does something that melts my heart. “How long have you known Raven?”

“I’ve run into her a few times with friends. She invited me to come hang out tonight.”

“Hmmm…” Jax says as he scrutinizes Loren. It’s adorable how protective Jax is of Raven. But he should know she can hold her own.

We don’t get the chance to say anything else. Once we crest the hill, Raven waves to us, and Loren is long gone. Reaching for Jax’s hand, I pull him to a stop and whisper, “Don’t get too attached to anyone Raven brings home. They usually don’t stick around longer than a night or two.”

“Loren was a year behind me in school, but he’s a decent guy,” Jax assures me.

“They’re all decent guys, Jax. Raven doesn’t date assholes. But she also doesn’t let them stick around either. You know that, right?”

Scratching his head, he looks to my sister. “Uh, I’ve only seen her date that Bret guy.”

“She’s not looking for anything serious. So, if this guy turns into a stage nine cling-on, you’ll have to help set him right, okay?”

Raising a brow, he asks, “You do this often?”

Shrugging, I admit, “Sometimes. Usually, she’s upfront with a guy, and they don’t have any issues with it. So, it doesn’t happen often. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up, since he seems to be a friend of yours.”

Shaking his head, Jax laughs. “Sloane, I graduated with less than one hundred people. Of course, we’re all friends. Or at least get along well enough.”
