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Chuckling, Raven agrees. “Yeah. You are. But honestly, I think emotions were running high for you. You might’ve let jealousy seep in, and I’ll be honest, between Trent and Tara’s comments, I can see where you could make that leap. Especially when Sloane essentially confirmed it without knowing what you were really talking about.”

“Do you think she’ll give me another chance?” I ask desperately.

“Jax, Sloane has no idea the rabbit hole your brain went down. Hell, I can barely understand it myself entirely. I’ll make you a deal. I won’t let her know what an idiot you’ve been, if you promise not to put her through this shit again. If you can’t communicate with her, you don’t deserve her.”

“You’re right,” I admit. “I don’t.”

“No more pity parties. If you’re in with Sloane, you need to be all in.”

“Is it okay to love you a little for setting me straight? But for the record, I’m completelyin lovewith your sister.” I chuckle.

Bumping her shoulder against mine, she laughs. “I can be on board with that. But I do have one more question. What’s your plan to make things right with Sloane?”

A smile forms on my lips as a brilliant idea hits me. “Just make sure she’s watching tonight.”

Raven: Talked to Jax. All is good.

Me: Oh. Thank God—I’ve been going crazy.

Raven: I think crazy is going around. Trust me.

No kidding. The show starts in less than an hour. What the hell has she been doing all day? Before I can ask, another message comes through.

Raven: Can I hang with you at the concert tonight?

Me: It’s a little chaotic, but I could use the help. If you come soon, I can meet you and get you a backstage pass.

Raven: See you in 15.

Hmmm… That’s fast. She must already be on her way.

I use this time to check in one last time with all the acts. Everyone is here, except Jax, and I’ll admit, I’m still freaking out a bit.

I trust my sister and if she says everything is fine, it will be. But it doesn’t mean my nerves haven’t been wrecked for the last two days. When this festival ends, I need to crawl in bed and sleep for a week.

When Raven arrives, she’s quite helpful. Not only does she put my mind at ease simply because she’s here, but she also helps with little tasks that allows me to focus on other things. I’ve never been more thankful for her than I am in this moment.

Unlike the first part of this competition, I’m able to sit and watch the final acts perform in the VIP section near the stage—as there wasn’t any last-minute things I needed to personally attend to. At least that’s what both Tara and Raven insist on.

Raven assures me things are fine with Jax, but I have yet to see him for myself, so my stomach is in knots not only over his performance tonight—but for whatever the fuck is going on between us.

Or not going on between us at this point. Let’s face it, if he won’t even talk with me, there can’t be an us in the future.

How the hell will we go on tour and work together if we can’t even communicate with one another? My stomach clenches at the thought. I can’t let myself go there.

Raven reaches over and clutches my hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. It’s as if she knows the vicious thoughts swirling around in my brain and knows I need her support. For once, she’s not the person I need most—and I’ll admit that thought alone scares me more.

How has Jax become so important in such a short period of time?

Raven leans in and says, “You’re overthinking. Stop.”

“Like that’s even possible,” I snark. “You know me best of all. I’m an overthinker; it’s what I do.”

“Sloaney, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Trust me. Everything will work out. Jax can’t talk to you because he’s doing his pre-show things with the producers. Apparently, there was a change in the lineup, so he’s working out the details.”

“What?” I exclaim. “Why do you know that and I don’t?”

Shrugging, she says, “He mentioned something in passing when I saw him backstage. He was in a hurry, so I didn’t get any other details than that.”
