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“But…” I go through all the possibilities of disaster he could encounter, however Raven cuts me off.

“You know deep down that he’d tell you himself if he could. Just relax and watch the show.”

So far, we’ve watched The Fast Lane and Monica Simms perform. Each were pretty good, though I couldn’t really enjoy their performance because I’m too preoccupied. Jax was supposed to go next, but apparently, the producers want Craving Spoons to switch places with him.

From firsthand experience, I know a lot goes on behind the scenes when decisions are made. I can’t help but wonder if they’re putting Edgewater and Jax at the end because they have a shot at winning it all? Or perhaps something else happened that I’m not privy to. Either way, I’m on edge.

Edgewater blows me away with their song “Misbehave.” They brought it all and left everything they’ve got on stage. I’m so proud of Trent and the guys. They’ve come so far from playing at a local pub in Portland to this. They deserve to be on a big stage lighting the world on fire with their work.

Somehow, watching Edgewater kill it tonight calms my nerves, and I’m eager to see Jax perform. Not only will I get to see for myself that he’s okay, but he’ll finally get to perform the song “Savage”that he’s been holding back to keep as his secret weapon for the competition. It’s hands down the best song in his arsenal. I can’t wait for the world to see it.

When it’s time for Jax to take the stage, I see a member of the stage crew place a stool—which wasn’t a part of the plan. What the hell is Jax doing?

The stage is dark, but Jax strides with confidence across the stage to sit on the stool. He takes a moment to adjust the mic, and my eyes never leave him as I watch him wait for his official introduction.

“For the final act in tonight’s competition, we have a talented local from right here in Seaside joining us. Please give a hand and join us in welcoming…Jax Cartwright…”

The lights go on, and my heart stalls as I finally see Jax illuminated on the stage. As if he knows exactly where to find me, his eyes meet mine, and he nods once in my direction. I can tell he’s nervous, but I hope like hell he can shake off whatever’s been bothering him and give it his all.

“Now… let’s see here,” James Collins, the judge, starts, then looks to his notes. “You were originally planning to play the song that’s been going viral, ‘Savage,’ but I’ve been told you have something else for us instead.”

What? This isn’t the plan. Why is he doing this?

“Thanks for letting me change things up a bit at the last minute. I hope you enjoy my new song I wrote today, ‘Just Being Me.’”

What the hell is going on? Contestants can’t just change their songs mid-show.

Looking to Raven, I ask, “Is this what he was talking with the producers about? ‘Savage’ is a hit, so why would he risk that?”

Shrugging, Raven whispers, “I have no idea.”

“Well, this is certainly risky. But we wish you the best of luck,” James says, and I couldn’t agree more. This makes zero sense.

“With no further ado… Here’s Jax Cartwright performing his freshly written song, ‘Just Being Me.’”

The song starts out with a catchy upbeat tempo and after a few chords, the crowd screams in appreciation—at least he’s off to a good start. My spine trembles in anticipation as I await the lyrics.

You’re the sweetest girl, who rocked my world

You came from out of the blue

And I never knew I could be free

Just being me

This is actually pretty good. Did he really write this today? I’m impressed. As I look around the venue, I can tell I’m not the only one enjoying this. When I look back to Jax, his eyes lock on mine, and he continues the second verse.

You were the sign that it’s time to unwind

You let the weight of the world disappear

As you took a chance on me

Just being me

The instrumental break between verses revs the energy in the room. I can’t wait for more. How could he have written this today?

You made me see that I found my voice
