Page 45 of Isaac

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I thought I had been fucked before, fucked by frat boys and a naughty professor in college. But none of those times was anything like this.

Isaac fucks me like a man who is furious, out of control. He’s nothing more than a savage animal acting like he’s been caged for too long, and I’m the first female he’s fucked in years. He can’t seem to go deep enough, hard enough.

The discomfort of being so full finally begins to change into a different type of sensation. An unfamiliar, heavy ache builds within me.

The arm of the sofa presses into my pelvis from one side, Isaac’s cock on the other until it’s too much. That ache inside of me bursts open; liquid pleasure floods my body, my limbs, my veins until I can’t see or hear anything. All I can do is feel, give myself over to the shudders, the clenching of my walls around the long, hard shaft inside of me.

Isaac roars behind me, and there’s another flood of warmth inside of me, this one belonging to him. His release soaks every inch of me, heating my core, my blood, setting off the pleasure again.

He remains inside me until the last of my tremors fade away. When he pulls out, the thick liquid runs down my thighs like it knows it’s not supposed to be inside of me. I’m pretty sure it’s trying to remind me I’m in big fucking trouble.



Being inside Holly was even better than I imagined. God, I missed spanking her, licking her, fucking seeing her naked ass bared to me like a wicked offering.

And tonight, I couldn’t stop myself. I greedily took everything she offered and made a grave mistake, one I haven’t made in years.

I lost my damn mind. I should’ve stopped long enough to find a condom or ask this belated question as I begin to fasten my jeans. “Are you on the pill?”

“Yes.” Her reply is so soft I barely hear it, which is not exactly reassuring.

“Holly? Tell me you’re on the fucking pill. Show me proof. Now.”

She moans, the sound going straight to my cock, which was deflating. “I can’t move. I don’t think…I don’t think my legs will work yet.” Lifting her upper body from the chair, she tries to straighten and ends up dropping to her knees. “I can’t.”

Grabbing her chin, I turn her face to mine. I haven’t seen it in so long, and now I’m worried I may have gone too far.

“Did I hurt you?” I ask.

“Yes,” she answers, her eyes heavy-lidded. “And it felt really good.”

“The truth?” I say as I keep a grip on her chin.

“I had…a lot of orgasms. My legs are wobbly, but I’m fine, Isaac. Better than fine. I wish we had done that before.”

That makes two of us.

If I had fucked her before Lyla came home, I’m not sure if I would’ve been able to walk away.

But no matter how good it was, it doesn’t change anything. I was too rough, too stupid fucking her without protection. I’ve already ruined one woman’s life with that mistake…

I release her chin to pick up my belt and thread it through the loops of my jeans.

“You’re leaving,” she says as she studies my face, turning around to face me while still kneeling on the floor.

“What? You expect me to stay and cuddle?” I snap at her, reminding her nothing’s changed. “I told you I couldn’t give you what you want.”

“I was just thinking about another round, me on top, maybe,” she says, and instantly, my head is filled with images. Images of her riding me, bouncing on me. “Guess you’re too old to get it up again tonight?”

She’s taunting me, trying to convince me to stay. I can’t fall for that shit again.

“That’s fine,” she says with a sigh as she stretches her legs out in front of her to wiggle her panties up them, as if the little scrap of fabric can contain the amount of my cum and her arousal still leaking from her pussy. “I can probably still make my date if I hurry.”

Goddammit. She has me by the balls, and she knows it.

Her purse is still hanging across her indecent dress because I only ripped off her panties. “Get out your phone and cancel. Tell him you’re not coming.”
