Page 92 of Isaac

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I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Holly is pregnant. And not just a few weeks along but months.

Fucking months.

As in, she could’ve gotten knocked up when we were together and she didn’t tell me, or it’s someone else’s kid.

She must have known for a while. Maybe even when we were only dating without sex. When she begged me not to end things when Lyla came home, was that what she was trying to tell me, and I fucked up?

Did Lyla know before tonight? It’s not like she would have told me if she had. We’ve barely talked since she got back with Fulton. It’s not like I’ve been good company lately. Besides, why would she think I would care about Holly getting knocked up?

And goddammit! Even the fucking Fury brothers knew Holly was pregnant before me! How, I don’t know. Someone must have been watching her. If they go near her…

Regardless of how I feel about the Savage Kings, I don’t think they would actually hurt an innocent woman. An innocent pregnant woman.

I need to talk to Holly, to find out the truth, if she’s having my son or daughter or if it’s someone else.

Jesus. I thought I was finished being a father, in as much as my daughters were grown, one married, one on the way to the altar. I’ve kept them safe until they could start their own lives.

Now…now I’ll be responsible for two more souls.

And I may not be able to protect them with the threat the Kings told me about.

As long as I’m part of an MC, there’s always going to be threats. So maybe having a bigger safety net wouldn’t be so bad after all…

I never imagined I could give up my president patch and the Devil Hounds. Never thought I would bend for anyone. But for Holly, for the baby, I would do anything to keep them safe, even grovel at the feet of the fucking Savage Kings.

Hell, I don’t even know if the kid is mine. I want it to be, so fucking bad. For all these years that I swore I would never be a husband, a father again, it all went out the window as soon as I saw her tonight.

God, I’ve missed her. She’s so beautiful it hurt knowing I can’t touch her, kiss her, hold her.

But convincing her to give me another chance when I already had two and fucked them up isn’t going to be easy.

I hurt her badly. Twice. I saw the tears running down her cheeks as she tried to change my mind, and still, I left her. I walked away because I told her my family had to come first.

But if she was already pregnant, then she refused to tell me I was also walking away from my kid at the same damn time.

Now, worrying about what my daughters would think, what my mother would think of me and Holly together, seems fucking ridiculous.

I’m a grown-ass man. They got to choose who they loved, who they wanted to be with. Why shouldn’t I be able to do the same?

Part of me, though, thinks Holly and the kid would be better off without me. Hell, she must think so, too, if she didn’t want me to know. I can only assume there was panic in her eyes when she realized the secret was out. She doubts me already, without even knowing how badly I failed the only other woman I ever loved.

I know I’ll always feel guilty for what happened with Christine. I’ll always worry about history repeating itself, about not being able to protect Holly from every danger in the world, about not being able to protect my club from anything and everything.

All I can do is try to do what’s best for all of them.

Which means it’s time to call another emergency meeting.

* * *

“Thank you all for coming in on such short notice tonight,” I begin once everyone is gathered around the table. “I know you have more important shit to do, but this is too important to wait.”

“This have to do with those Savage Kings assholes showing up here?” Trey asks.

“It does. After talking to the Savage Kings assholes who knew more about my own damn life than I did, I’ve decided I’m going to accept their offer to patch over.”


“You have to be fucking kidding?”
