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"I didn't know I would need that. My friend...she used to work for you, and I just thought..."

"Who is your friend?" Her voice lifted curiously.


"Oh, Cammy? We just adored her. It was such a sad day when she went to work for that law firm in Sicily, but we were so proud of her."

"I didn't realize..."

"Look, any friend of Cammy's has to be good people. Signora Delphine has a short fifteen-minute window open at one today. If you can be here, I'll squeeze you in for an interview."

"Thank you."

"Make sure you dress classy but still show off yourassetsif you get me."

"Oh, of course. And thank you."

I went to hang up the phone but stopped when I heard her calling out over the line. "Wait!"

I put the phone back to my ear. "Yes?"

"What's your name, doll?"


"Got it. See you at one," she chimed before ending the call.

One o’clock. At one o’clock today, I’m going to interview for a position as an escort.

I took a deep breath and checked the clock on my phone. It was already eleven thirty. A shot of panic jolted through me and swarmed in my belly like angry bees. I jumped up and practically ran to my shower. I had no idea what they expected for the interview or what I should wear. I mentally ran through the small inventory of clothes in my closet while I quickly washed my hair. I didn’t have a lot of clothes, so it wasn’t hard to remember everything I had. By the time I hopped out of the shower I already had a good idea of my options.

With one towel around my body and another around my hair, I flipped through the hangers in my closet, grabbing out a classic black cocktail dress that I usually reserved for first dates, a short, gold bridesmaids dress, and... I flipped through, catching a glimpse of a slinky, yet elegant burgundy cocktail dress with delicate lace trim. My friend, Sophie, had left it at my house after one of our girls’ nights out. That was back when I was employed and could afford luxuries like going out dancing and have a couple of drinks every once in a while.

I dialed Sophie’s number while pulling the dress from the closet and gently laying it on the bed.

“Aurora,” she practically squealed my name. “Oh my gosh, how are you? It has been so long.”

“Ciao,Soph. I’m okay. How are you?”

“Wonderful. I’m actually out of the country right now, on a trip with Paolo.”

“You mean one-night-stand, Paolo?”

“Sì, but now he’s more boyfriend, Paolo.”

“Wow. I never thought I’d see the day.”

“I know. Me either, but what can I say? He spoils me, and I love it. Plus, he is incredible in bed.”

“Babe,” a male voice playfully scolded from Sophie’s end of the line, and she giggled.

“Well, it's true.” Her voice lowered and grew more serious as the background noise on her phone faded away as if she was moving to a quieter location. “But anyway, what’s going on? You said you’re okay, but you don’t really sound it.”

“I’ve just had a little bad luck lately.”

“Bad luck? Girl, there’s no such thing. You have to make your own luck.”

“I know, and I’m trying it’s just...I lost my job two months ago. That’s why I haven’t been going out with you and the girls. I’ve needed to completely focus on finding something new.”
