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I smiled at him to let him know that it was alright. “Aurora.”

“Ah, a beautiful name for an exquisite woman.” He took my hand and lightly kissed my knuckles, laying it on thick. I guess when dealing with people willing to spend the kind of money Enzo was used to spending, kissing up was probably expected.

We browsed through two dozen rings, each one dazzling in its own way but none specifically jumped out at me, although, I had to remind myself that it didn’t really matter what I wanted, ultimately, it was up to Enzo as he knew what would make the best impression and in two months’ time, he’d be selling it anyway.

That reminder made me feel a little sad, not because I wanted the ring, but because I wanted what it symbolized. I wanted love, romance, to meet that person that I loved so much and who loved me back. I was under no delusion that Enzo was that man, but acting out a love story made me realize how much I wanted one of my own.

I let out a sigh and Enzo glanced from the rings to me. “Not seeing anything you like?”

I blinked, remembering where I was and what I was supposed to be doing. I forced a smile, glancing from the store owner and back to Enzo. “They are all so beautiful...”

“But nothing is jumping out at you either.” Enzo finished my sentence, and I was shocked that he’d picked up on what I was feeling. Before I could respond, he turned back to the jeweler. “Do you have anything more...unique, something with character. I think that’s what we are missing here.”

“I do have one piece, it is a new design, a prototype that I haven’t reproduced for sales yet.”

“A one of a kind,” Enzo sounded impressed. “May we see it?”

“Of course, signore.” The man hurried to the back room before coming out with a small black velvet ring box in his hands. He held it out to Enzo proudly.

Enzo opened the box at an angle where we could both see it at the same time, and I audibly gasped at the sight of the beautiful piece of art nestled inside. The large center diamond was surrounded by tiny diamonds that wound around it and down both edges of the band all the way around. The platinum setting was just as magnificent as the nearly flawless diamonds with its scroll-like design. The adornments were not limited to the flat top of the band but also along the sides, making the ring just as exquisite from the side as it was from the top.

“This isn’t a ring, it's a work of art worthy of the Louvre,” I said in awe, forgetting myself for a moment.

“I agree,” Enzo said thoughtfully. “How much will it take for you to part with your prototype? I would love to know that my woman is the only one in the world wearing this piece.”

“I don’t know. This is my pride and joy. I’m sure it will be a favorite of many...”

Enzo’s expression darkened slightly, his voice lowering as it took on a more serious tone. “Everyone has a price. Name yours.”

“Enzo,” I interrupted, tugging on his arm. “It’s okay. You don’t need to spend so much on my ring, I wouldn’t even feel comfortable wearing something worth as much as I’m sure that ring would cost.”

Enzo’s brow furrowed and he turned to face me, lifting my chin so that I would meet his eye. “Do you like that ring?”

“Yes, of course, I’s stunning, but—”

“You know what, Isabella,” Enzo addressed the store clerk and she jumped to attention. “Iwouldalso like to purchase a necklace, and a nice diamond bracelet while we’re here. Something elegant, dainty, nothing gaudy. Could you please help my fiancée select something while Signore Paulo and I speak privately?”

“Enzo,” I started to argue but he pinned me with his stare that told me that there was no sense in arguing. My shoulders slumped, defeated, as I walked with Isabella toward another of the showcases.

Isabella helped me pick out a subtle, understated bracelet and necklace pair. Together, they still cost more than I'd make in a month at one of my typical waitressing jobs, but Enzo had insisted, and I would have rather picked out something that I felt comfortable with than risk him picking out something I didn’t like. By the time I walked out of the store I was wearing close to half a million dollars’ worth of jewelry between the necklace, bracelet, and exclusive engagement ring.

Enzo held my hand as he guided me out of the store and onto the street where a group of paparazzi were still waiting.

"Aurora, let's see the ring,” one man said as he jumped to attention at the sight of us.

A woman joined him, shoving her microphone in our faces as we walked. "How did he propose?"

"How long have you been keeping this relationship a secret?" Another asked.

My senses were flooded with questions and camera flashes. I hesitated, stumbling over my words, finally I held out my hand for them to see the ring and was nearly blinded by all the flashing lights of the cameras. Enzo escorted me into our limo and the chaos faded away the moment he shut the door.

“Are you okay? You kind of had a deer-in-the-headlights look back there.

“Yeah, I just...I'm not used to that kind of attention.”

“I would say that you get used to it but it's always a little weird. I will say that it gets better.

“Right.” I blew out a long, calming breath. “Plus, it's only 2 months, right?”
