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I grinned and glanced her way again. “We are. Then, we are going for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. It only has one Michelin star, but the atmosphere makes up for it.”

“Only one—” she started with a sound of amazement before shifting to an overly casual, teasing tone. “Well, I guess only one star will have to do this time.”

“Yes, well, I’m sorry that you will have to be slumming it this evening, but I do appreciate you accompanying me in the squalor.” I chuckled and her laugh was the most melodic sound I’d ever heard.

The pilot was already inside so I helped Aurora into the helicopter and climbed in beside her.

"Have you ever been in one of these things before?”

“No. Never.”

“I probably should have asked this earlier but you're not afraid of heights are you?”

Aurora laughed. “No. I'm not.”

“Good. That might have put a damper on our date.” I couldn’t get the smile off my face as I handed her a headset. “Put this on. Once we are in the air we won't be able to hear each other without it.”

“Got it.” Aurora slipped the headset over her ears and within minutes we were in the air headed for Milan.

Chapter 12


“How are you doing?” Enzo’s voice came through the headphones as he looked over at me.

“This view is amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it.” I grinned at him, thankful for such an incredible experience.

I watched the dim lights of the city come into view and before long, we landed. Enzo offered me his hand, helping me from the helicopter and into the waiting limo.

“You went all out for tonight,” I said as I slid into the backseat and Enzo followed before a man closed the door and rounded to the driver’s side.

“I want tonight to be special.” He smiled and for a moment, I could almost forget that the whole thing was for show.

Enzo poured us each a glass of champagne and I sat back to enjoy the short ride to the jewelry store.

If I’d been at risk of forgetting that what we were doing was all for show, arriving at the jewelry store was a harsh reminder. The street outside the store was littered with paparazzi all waiting to pounce on us the moment our limo pulled to the curb.

“Wow. There are so many cameras.”

“Try your best to pretend they aren’t there. Just remember to smile and focus on me. You’ll be fine.”

“Okay.” Enzo took my hand. His touch infused me with a renewed confidence, giving me the strength to follow him out of the limo.

I clung to him like a lifeline. He gave my hand a light squeeze, pulling me closer and wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he guided me into the store. I was surprised to find no one inside except for two employees who waited behind the counter with bright smiles.

“Benvenuto!” A man not quite old enough to be my father stepped out from behind the counter, greeting Enzo with an air kiss to each cheek before stepping back and looking at me.

“Oh, Lorenzo. I see why you wanted something special. A beauty such as this must be treasuredand” he held up one finger to emphasize his point, “perfectly accentuated. Which I’m guessing is the reason for your visit this evening.”

“Yes. Actually, we are looking for a very specific type of piece.”

“A beautiful diamond necklace perhaps? To draw the eye to this gorgeous neckline?”

“We may take a look at what necklaces you have in store but first, our main reason for coming is that we are in need of an engagement ring.”

The man’s eyes widened to the size of saucers and his jaw went slack as he looked at Enzo for just a beat before regaining his composure. He shut his mouth and blinked, looking at me with new eyes before turning back to Enzo.

“Well, it seems congratulations are in order. And you’ve come to the right place.” He turned and called out to the lady still standing behind the counter. “Isabella, pull out every engagement ring that we have. I want Signore Morelli and... I’m sorry, bella, I did not get your name.” He looked at me apologetically.
