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So, he hadn't always had issues with commitment.

I wondered if, whoever that Gemma girl was, if she was the exception to his playboy lifestyle or the reason for it. I didn’t linger too long, suddenly feeling guilty for the invasion of his privacy, even if it was accidental. I placed the photos back in his drawer to go charge my phone.

I put my phone on the charger and went to get ready for lunch with Enzo, but I couldn’t stop thinking about those photographs. I stepped out of the shower just in time to hear my phone ringing. Hurrying into the bedroom, I barely wrapped the towel around myself before answering.

I glanced at the caller i.d. and swiped to answer. “Ciao,Enzo.”

“Ciao. I just realized that you don’t have your car at the apartment so I’m sending my driver to pick you up.”

“What about you? How will you get there?”

“I’ll find my way, don’t worry. The car should be there in about half an hour.”

“Okay, I was just stepping out of the shower, so I better go get ready, unless towel chic is the new fashion.”

“As much as I would love to have lunch with you in just a towel, I think we might need to reserve that for in-home lunches only.”

“I think you’re right.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

I hung up the phone and hurried to make myself presentable before the car arrived.

Half an hour later, there was a knock at the door just as I slipped on my shoes, and I hurried to answer it. I looked through the peephole and saw Franco waiting patiently.

“Ciao,Franco,” I greeted him as I opened the door.

“Ciao, Signora Ferro.I’m here to drive you to meet Signore Morelli.”

“You’re right on time.” I stepped aside so that he could enter and shut the door behind him. “I just need to grab my purse.”

“Please, take your time.”

I went to the bedroom, threw my phone in my clutch, and headed back to the front door. Just then, the doorbell chimed.

Franco tensed. “Are you expecting someone?”

“No. I wonder who that could be.” I glanced out the peephole to see a man carrying a large catering box and a couple of bags piled on top.

“Enzo said he was going to have the caterers drop off some hors d'oeuvres before the party planner came tonight. It looks like they’re early.”

Just then, Franco’s phone went off. He glanced down at the screen and scowled. “I need to take this if you have a moment, signora.”

“It’s no problem. I’ll deal with the caterer then we can go.” I waved him off and he stepped into the living room to take the call.

The caterer had looked like he was struggling to keep a hold on everything, so I quickly opened the door to help. “Ciao.”

“Ciao, signora.I’m here to drop off a delivery for Signore Morelli.”

“You’re early. It’s a good thing I hadn’t already left.”

“Sì,we have a large party later so this was the only time we would be able to deliver them.”

“It looks like you really have your hands full. Here, let me take these for you.”

“It’s no troublesignora. If you could just direct me to where you’d like them, I can talk you through the storage and heat times for each appetizer.”

“Of course. The kitchen is this way.” I guided him through the entryway and living room to the kitchen. “You can just put them on the counter.”
