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“Of course, signora.” He spoke politely as he placed the box on the counter and reached into one of the bags to start unpacking the food.

“Oh, you can leave those. I’ll take care of unpacking them.”

I gasped as he pulled a gun from the bag and pointed it at me. “Don’t make a sound. Don’t move. You do anything stupid, and I’ll shoot you, do you understand?”

I nodded with my hands held up defensively. “What do you want? Money? I can get you money. It’s no problem.”

He scoffed. “I don’t want your money.”

“Then what do you want?”

“I told you to be quiet. Now, where is your fiancé?”

“My fiancé?” I took a deep breath, contemplating whether to lie or tell the truth.Would he be more likely to hurt me if he knew that Enzo wasn’t here?If I told him that Enzo was here, it wouldn’t take him long to figure out that I was lying. Deciding it was best not to further anger the man with a gun, I settled on the truth. “He’s not here.”

“Bullshit. Don’t lie to me.” He gestured angrily with the gun, and I jumped back, accidentally knocking a dish off the counter. It fell to the floor with a loud crash, and I yelped.

“Signora? Is everything—” Franco started as he came into the room, and I glanced his way.

“Franco, watch out!” The gunman whirled in his direction, aiming the gun and firing.

I screamed, but Franco was barely able to duck behind a wall as the bullet whizzed past him.

The man moved closer to me, but I didn’t run for fear that he might try to shoot if I made any sudden movements. “Enzo, come out now, or I’m going to turn this gun on your pretty little fiancée, here,” the man warned, keeping his gun pointed in the direction where Franco had disappeared.

“That’s not Enzo. That’s just his driver. Enzo isn’t here.” I hoped that if I could make him realize that his target wasn’t there, he might leave.

“I said don’t lie to me,puttana,” he roared, bringing the butt of the gun down hard on my head and I crumpled to the floor as the room spun around me.

“Leave her alone,” Franco called out from somewhere outside of my narrowing vision.

I tried to lift my head, but everything spun around me like I was on one of those rides at the park. There were three muffled blasts, but I couldn’t manage to open my eyes to see what was happening before everything went quiet.

I woke up sometime later, tucked comfortably in Enzo’s bed. I knew it was his bed without even opening my eyes. I could smell that fresh, masculine scent that was purely him. It enveloped me, warming me more than the down comforter could.

I forced my eyes open. It was dim in the room, but I spotted Enzo sitting in his reading chair in the corner and he jumped up the moment he saw me.

“She’s awake,” He called out to someone in another room before rushing to my side. “Aurora, are you okay?”

“I have a terrible headache but I’m okay.” Memories of what had happened came rushing back through the confusion. “Franco, is he—”

“He’s fine. And he’s getting a bonus for putting three bullets in that bastard.”

“Who was that guy?”

“It’s not important.” Another man walked into the room dressed in a nice suit. He was taller than Enzo, slenderer as well. “This is Armando. He’s a family doctor. He’s here to make sure you don’t need to go to the hospital.”

“I’m fine. Really.” I went to sit up, but my head spun, and I leaned back on the pillows.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Armando said in a friendly tone. “I’ll be quick, don’t worry. I already bandaged your head while you were out.”


He shined a light in my eyes, and I squinted. “Follow my finger for me.”

I did as he said and soon, he turned off his light and stood.

“She’s going to be fine. She’ll probably have a headache for a day or so which I can give her something for. But she doesn’t appear to have a concussion.”
