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“Hi, my name is Aurora. I have an interview scheduled for one o’clock today.”

Her face lit up in recognition of my name. “Aurora, of course. I spoke with you earlier.” She scanned me from head to toe and back again. “You’re very pretty.”

“Thank you.” My cheeks heated and I fidgeted with the side hem of my dress.

The woman stood and walked around to my side. “Please, follow me. I’ll take you to Signora Delphine.”

“Thank you.”

“So, you said that you’ve never done anything similar to this before?”

“No. I’ve mostly done waitressing jobs in the past. I worked as a nanny for about a year before that.”

“Ah, so you know how to handle difficult customers and whiny children. Then you should be able to handle any of our men,” she said playfully, and I giggled.

“I suppose so.”

“It’s all about the way you spin it.” She smiled at me as we stopped in front of a set of large wooden double doors. “Here we are.” She gave a knock and cracked the door just a bit. “Signora Delphine, your one o’clock is here.”

“Ah, thank you, Fernanda. Send her in.”

Fernanda opened the door and stepped out of the way, motioning for me to enter. I held my breath and straightened my back as I took the first step into the large office. An elegantly dressed woman, wearing slightly too much makeup for my taste, sat at a large mahogany desk. She watched me carefully as I made my way to her.

“Aurora, please, have a seat.” Her perfectly manicured finger pointed at the chair in front of her and I tried my best to be graceful as I lowered myself into it, self-consciously hiding my own, neglected nails.

“Thank you for making time for me today.”

“Yes, it's very uncommon for us but Fernanda said that you were a friend of Cammy’s, so we made an exception. But, she said that you lack any experience in the field.”

“Yes, but I have experience as a waitress and a nanny before that so I should be able to handle just about any man that comes my way.” I hoped Fernanda wouldn’t mind me borrowing her joke and I was relieved when Delphine cracked a small smile.

“I suppose thatissomething. Stand up. Let me get a better look at you.”

I stood and tried my best not to fidget under her scrutinizing gaze.

“Turn,” she said coolly, and I spun slowly in a complete circle before facing her again. “You have potential, that’s for sure. You’re poised, but not overly so. You have a sort of girl-next-door quality I think many of our clients will enjoy. Her phone rang and she held up a finger. “One moment.”

“Sì? What do you mean you can’t come in? You have a client scheduled for this evening...Oh, you poor dear. Alright, take care of her and let us know if there’s anything you need. Yes, I’m sure. If I have to, I'll call and offer my apologies to the client myself. Actually,” she paused and looked at me before continuing. “I have someone to cover for you. Yes. You take care of that little darling of yours and don’t worry about a thing. Alright,ciao.” She ended the call and grinned at me. “Today is your lucky day. I have a trial run for you this evening.”

“This evening?” I swallowed hard and took a seat.

“Sì. He is one of our VIP clients and has very particular tastes which you fit rather well.”

“Shouldn’t I ease into things a bit? You know, training or something?”

“Are you a virgin?”

I nearly choked at her bluntness. “No.”

“Then what training do you need? Either you’ve got what it takes, or you don’t and honestly, this guy’s requests are rather mild compared to some.”


“All clients have a file where we keep any requests they make formally or in person with their escort so that when someone new handles them, they are still familiar with their likes and dislikes. This one’s requests are very specific but as long as you know how to follow directions, you’ll be fine.”


“Good. I will get Fernanda to get all your paperwork in order soon but first, let's quickly go over the dos and don’ts for this client.”
