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“Now, come sit, and we can order. This baby has me starving all the time.” Mia chuckled and placed her hand on her baby bump.

“When are you due?” I asked as I sat down at the table with them.

“I am due in ten weeks.”

“Over halfway there. And Enzo mentioned that you're having a girl?”

“Yes, that's right.”

“That's exciting. I bet you are so ready to meet your daughter.”

“Oh, I am. But at the same time, a part of me just wants to keep her safe inside forever.” Mia chuckled.

“Something tells me that that could get very uncomfortable after a while,” I joked.

“Especially in those high school years,” Vittoria added, and we all giggled.

“So, tell us everything. We want to know all about you. Mia's already told us how you and Enzo met and the basics, but we want to know more,” Mira said excitedly.

“What do you want to know?”

After lunch and spending way too much on four dresses the girls had insisted I get, we checked out at the last shop and gathered on the side of the street to say our goodbyes. I had to admit that Mia, Vittoria, and Mira were great.

"I am so glad that Enzo and you found each other." Mira pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thanks. Me too." A pang of gilt gripped my stomach at having to lie to them. They seemed so nice, and I could actually imagine being friends with the three of them, but I forced away those thoughts and smiled.

“What is that scent you're wearing?”

"Oh. It's something Enzo had."

"That's where I recognize it from. It smells just like what Gemma wore," Mira exclaimed before her eyes widened as if she hadn’t meant to say that name.

"Gemma?" It felt as though all the air was sucked from my lungs.

"Tell me he didn't get you to use the same scent as his old girlfriend." Mia frowned and even though I was shocked, I managed to think quickly.

"No." I shook my head. "No, of course not. I was just out of my toiletries so I borrowed the only thing I could find. I didn't realize they were hers."

"Oh," Mira sighed. "Good. That could have been really awkward."

I forced a smile. "Not at all. But I should be going. I may drop in and surprise Enzo for dinner tonight."

"Well, have fun." Mira kissed both of my cheeks. "I can't wait to see you at the engagement party."

"Me either," Mia said with a brilliant smile.

"You're going to look fantastic," Vitoria added with air kisses.

"You ladies have a wonderful evening." I waved to them all with the brightest smile I could muster as I climbed into the back seat of the car and Franco shut the door.

"Heading home, signora?"

"No. I'd like to drop in on signore Morelli first, if you don't mind."

"Of course, signora."

