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Once the men realized that I was back I handed Alessandro the sheet and he gave a nod before looking at Enzo. “You may want to walk her out on the patio for a few minutes. She's looking a little pale and I think some fresh air would do her good while we take care of things in here.”

“Thanks.” Enzo gave Alessandro and Luca a nod before wrapping his arm around me and escorting me out onto the balcony. “Are you sure you're okay? I know you were crying in there earlier. I figured you needed a few minutes alone.”

“I'm holding it together. It's hard. I knew her. I helped her escape. If I hadn't—”

“Don't even think about that. You gave her hope and freedom, which is something that no one else in her life had given her. At least she got to be free for a little while. Blame the person who's truly responsible, the man who killed her.”

I nodded, knowing that he was right and stared out over the city as I held on to the balcony and focused on Enzo. His arms wrapped around me, steadying me and warming me, his chest pressing against my back letting me know that he was there and that I was safe.

I wasn’t sure how long we stayed there like that. I didn’t want to move, I just wanted to keep soaking in Enzo’s warmth. The sound of the balcony door opening made me tense and Enzo’s arms wrapped around my waist a little tighter.

We both turned to see Alessandro stepping out. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you two. I just wanted to let you know that we got it all taken care of.”

“Thank you,” Enzo said with a nod. “Are you good to go inside? I need to talk things over with the guys to figure out what we should do from here.”

“I think I’d like to stay out here for just a little while longer if that’s okay.”

Enzo gave me a firm nod. “I’ll be back to check on you shortly.”

I lowered myself into one of the patio chairs once Enzo had gone inside, losing myself in thought.

Chapter 30


I reluctantly left Aurora on the balcony to go talk with Alessandro and Luca. Fabbri had gone too far. Not only had he killed an innocent girl, he’d also specifically chosen someone Aurora had bonded with.

I shut the balcony door softly to shield Aurora from my anger and stormed into the living room with determination. “My office.” I jerked my chin in the direction of the study, signaling for the guys to follow me.

“How the hell did this happen?” Alessandro asked once my office door was closed.

“I wish I knew. But you damn well better believe that I’m going to find out.” I made my way around the desk but was too anxious to sit. “This is the second time someone’s managed to get into my apartment in the past two months.”

“I hate to ask but you don’t think Aurora…” Alessandro let his words fade.

“No. Aurora is innocent in all of this.”

“I had to ask. With it being her father and all.”

“She’s more torn up about this than anyone. If anything, she’s a victim here, too.”

“You think he left the girl here to punish Aurora for leaving?” Luca asked.

I nodded. “I think that he was pissed Aurora left and that she helped Luna escape. I think this was his way of putting Aurora in her place.”

“That’s fucked up,” Luca said more to himself than to us as he shook his head.

“He’s her father. He’s supposed to protect her.” I began pacing as my anger flared.

Alessandro shook his head. “No wonder her mom didn’t tell her who her real father was.”

I poured myself a drink, nodding toward the bottle to silently offer one to the guys but they both declined. It was too early to drink but I didn’t care. I downed the contents of my glass before pacing again.

“This is your girl, your house. What do you want to do?” Alessandro asked.

I stopped pacing and placed my hands on my desk as I met his eye. “I’m going to kill him.”
