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“Usually that's the case but something has come up. I want to hire you to pretend to be my girlfriend for the week.”

“To pretend to be your girlfriend?” She said each word slowly as if testing each one in her mouth.


“Like one of those romance novels or Hallmark movies?”

I took a step closer to her, knowing that everything I was doing was a mistake, but I couldn't help it. My voice lowered to almost a soft growl as I brought my lips close to her ear, letting my breath brush against the shell of it.

“Trust me,dolcezza, this will be nothing like a Hallmark movie.” Her breath hitched at my words, and I couldn't help but smirk to myself before pulling away.

“W—why do you need me to pretend to be your girlfriend for a week?” She sounded breathless but her brow scrunched down like she was trying to figure me out. It was adorable.

“Does it matter?”

“It might.”

I took another step back so that she could hopefully think a little more clearly without me towering over her. I casually strolled over to the wet bar and pulled out two glasses.

"Can I get you a drink?" I asked her as I poured my own.


“What’ll you have?”

“Whatever you're having.”

I lifted one eyebrow and studied her for a moment, a smirk tugging at my lips. “You'll have a bourbon too?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

I poured her a glass and led her to the small sitting area. “Please have a seat.”

She sat on the couch and lifted the glass to her lips, hesitantly taking a tiny sip. She straightened her back and took a deep, steadying breath. I couldn’t help but steal a glance at her breasts as they rose and fell in that tight cocktail dress.

“So, explain to me why you need me for an entire week?” She sounded business-like which drew my attention back to her face.

Was her new demeanor a power play? If so, two could play that game.I sat in the chair across from her, leaned back, and crossed my ankle over my knee before taking a sip of my drink, making her wait before finally answering. “I'm a businessman. I have an investor who is coming into town tomorrow and I need him to think that I'm dating someone.”

She squinted slightly, her brow knitting together as she studied me like I was some unknown specimen. I loved how expressive her face was. It made it easy to read her.

“Why does he need to think that you have a girlfriend?”

I took a swig of my drink again before answering. “Because he knows that I'm not married. He thinks that a man who hasn’t settled down with a woman hasn’tmadeit yet. Meaning that the man is flaky and unreliable because he's still searching for something. A man who's married is content where he is and can focus better on his business then someone who is still out searching for someone.”

“So, you want me to pretend to be your serious girlfriend so that he will think that you're settled?” I nodded. “And what happens when the week is over?”

“Then you go back to your normal job.”

“And what would we be doing during that week?”

I could think of so many things that I wanted to do to her, most of which included some form of what we had done that night. I shoved those thoughts aside and cleared my throat before talking again. “It would probably consist of two or three dates spread out over the week, possibly one or two other appearances together just to really hit home that we are in a serious relationship.”

“I see. And would this be a twenty-four seven situation or just as needed?”

“As needed should be fine. I don't think there's any reason why we would have to be living together or around each other constantly just because we were in a serious relationship.”

“And how much would you pay for these five encounters?” She spoke so business-like and confident. It was a bit disarming that she had been able to pull herself together after I watched her completely come apart in my arms not half an hour before.Unless…no, she couldn’t have been that good at faking it.
