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His cool demeanor seemed to snap as he plunged back in, thrusting wildly as his fingertips threatened to bruise the tender flesh of my hips.

He thrust harder and harder until I was sure that his grip was the only thing keeping me from flying off the bed, but I couldn't help it, I wanted more.

I pushed back against him, even though my body ached each time he reached my farthest depths, I needed more.

Pleasure built until a sudden jolt of ecstasy sent my body convulsing around him, making me cry out and I couldn't even manage to muffle my screams as I lost control.

He let out a guttural roar, his body jerking against mine, causing my arms to give out as I stretched out, ass up in the air. He'd managed to let go of my hips and catch himself before completely crushing me to the bed, but his body pressed me into the mattress. With him still inside me, his chest heaving against my back, I struggled to regain my mind.

He pulled back from me suddenly as though I'd burned him, and I hissed as he unexpectedly pulled out of me without warning.

"I'm sorry."

Through panting breaths, I barely managed to respond. "It's okay, you just pulled out a little fast."

"No, I mean for...before. for losing control."

"Oh, please..." I blushed as I glanced shyly at him as he moved to one side of the bed. "Don't be sorry."

He nodded and drifted off into what looked like deep thought. "If you'd like to use the restroom to clean up before you go, you can. Otherwise, you're free to leave."

I turned to face him with a bewildered look. "But I thought...Delphine said..."

His phone rang and he reached over to the nightstand table to answer it. "I have to take this. You can go."


I tried not to take it personally that he didn't even want our scheduled cuddle, but it was hard to fight the sting of it. Perhaps it would get easier with time. I wrapped the sheet around myself, needing to hide my body even though he had seen all of me, intimately. I just needed some armor even if it came in the form of an eighteen-hundred thread count Egyptian cotton sheet.

I hurried into the bathroom where I had left my clothes, cleaned up, and got dressed as quickly as I could. I wanted to get out of there and forget about the entire experience no matter how wonderful the sex had been. I slipped on my shoes, nearly tumbling to the side as I caught myself on the sink. I opened the bathroom door and stepped back into the bedroom.

I could still hear him talking on the phone on the other side of the room and I only cast one quick glance before swinging my purse onto my shoulder and turning toward the front door.

"Hang on. Let me call you back," he muttered into the phone before turning his voice to me. “Hey, just a minute.” I took another step toward the door, not wanting to look back.

I couldn’t bear another awkward apology for the best sex of my life or more cold dismissals afterward. I just wanted to go home, take a long hot shower and curl up with a good book.

The next time he called out to me, his voice came from right behind me. He gently gripped my shoulder and turned me around, forcing me to look at him. “Hey, I'm talking to you.”

“I'm sorry. I thought you said that I was free to leave.” My voice came out surprisingly cool and collected.

“I did. You are but I..." he let out a ragged breath and scrubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “I have a job proposition for you.”

Chapter 4


I held my phone against my thigh so that my business partner, Alessandro, couldn't hear the conversation. I could have hit the mute button but that seemed so intentional.

I looked at the girl and realized I’d never even gotten her name, which just made me feel worse about everything that had happened. There was something about her, something about the sounds of her losing herself to the pleasure of the moment, which made me want to lose myself too.

“This is probably a stupid question, but what kind of proposition?” She wrapped her arms around herself. It was a defense mechanism that I'd seen on more than my fair share of people over the years.

I cleared my throat and stood a little taller trying to appear more professional. I was ashamed and surprised that I had lost control. It was hard for me to act professional after just letting go. I was flustered and untethered. Being with her had allowed me to let go and for a moment forget…forget. Guilt clinched my insides and twisted my stomach. I had let myself forget.

I took a deep breath and shook my head, pushing the thoughts away before speaking. “I would like to hire you for a week.”

She looked up at me as if I’d just told her that I was from Mars. “An entire week? But I thought that you only hired girls one night a week.”
