Page 135 of Mated to Monsters

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“This is a dangerous game you’re playing, Kha’zeth,” Moraan murmurs, patting my hand softly. “Are you sure this is the route you want to take?”

“I don’t know that it’s something I have much control over,” I admit as I hold her gaze. Moraan nods thoughtfully before her typical, bubbly demeanor returns as she flicks her fan out.

“Well, you know how sex works, so I doubt that’s why you sought me out,” She teases as she fans herself. “What is it you need my help with?”

I swallow my pride, trying not to let my embarrassment show.

“How do I… win her over?”

“Oh, easy,” Moraan says flippantly, waving her free hand in the air. “All women are the same, whether they’re humans or demons or anything else. All you need to do is listen, but don’t bend.”

“Listen but don’t bend?” I ask, not bothering to mask my confusion. Moraan nods.

“Take what she wants and says into consideration, but don’t obey her every command like some hound,” she explains in a matter-of-fact tone, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the notion. “You need to take the lead and do things on your terms, while still honoring her wishes.” Moraan says it like it’s the simplest thing in the world, but I’m still lost.

I snarl, my frustration getting the better of me. “But how?”

Moraan smiles and rolls her eyes at my irritation, clearly enjoying toying with me.

“You males, always making things harder than it needs to be,” she chides. “For example, if you’re going to be bedding her soon, make sure she finds her pleasure but do it on your terms. Bring her to your bed, on your time. By taking the lead and being firm but adaptable, you’ll earn her respect.”

“Firm but adaptable,” I mumble under my breath, trying to make sense of the words. Moraan’s grin only widens as she pats me on the shoulder.

“You’ll be fine,” she says with a smile, although a bit of worry still lingers in her eyes. “Just… be smart about this. Asmodeus doesn’t like it when he doesn’t get what he wants.”

I nod, rising to my feet.

“Thank you,” I say as I prepare myself to leave. She nods, her eyes never leaving me. “Truly, Moraan. Thank you for everything.”

She smiles sadly at me, understanding what I’ve left unsaid, only letting the pain of the moment linger for a second before waving me off.

“Now go, you’re scaring off all my suitors,” Moraan says, faking the lightness in her voice.

“You mean victims,” I mutter as I turn away, smiling at her laughter over my shoulder as I leave the gardens. The carriage is still waiting for me where I left it, and I climb in, beyond ready to be home.

Firm, but adaptable. I think I can do that.



I pace around the baby blue room, hardly seeing my surroundings.

Why on earth did I agree to this?

Maybe it was a moment of weakness. After all, Kha’zeth was being so kind to me, and I haven’t had anyone look at me like that since Toklys, without judgment or expectation. I didn’t know how much I missed it, that tenderness, that desire from a potential partner.

Maybe that useless, primal part of me kicked in. The second I felt safe, was clothed and fed and sheltered from harm, I became a helpless, demure little woman again, desperate for security and seeking it the only way I know how.

Do I only want him for what he can provide? Am I willing to sell everything, my very soul, for a reprieve from this nightmarish land I now reside in?

I groan, coming to a halt before one of the various windows, and stare out at the garden Kha’zeth and I strolled through. He seems so sweet underneath it all, so genuine and thoughtful. Is it all a ruse? Have I played right into his hands?

I’ve never been more confused in my life.

Time creeps by as I wait for Kha’zeth to return. Waiting today is only marginally better than it was yesterday- at least this time we’ve had a conversation and were able to speak to one another with respect. Knowing that he’s promised to be gentle soothes my frayed nerves only slightly. He could renege on that promise the second we’re alone together, and nobody, least of all me, would be in a position to do anything about it.

If anything, ferocity would likely be encouraged by the King and the other demons. It’d be interpreted as an enthusiasm for the King, the race, the orders we’re under- any pain or suffering I might endure would be seen as a necessary part of the equation.
