Page 80 of Mated to Monsters

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A knock at the door wakes me up. I turn over and see Laura still snuggled up against me. I think about how she is the one I went to when I was upset. I have never found so much solace in another being. It makes me think. I’ve wanted a mate.

Could she be the one?

The circumstances that brought us together could be seen as strange, but nevertheless, she is here with me.

The knocking grows more urgent. It annoys me, but I know it has a purpose. Not just anyone would rouse me from my sleep.

Whatever it is. I should attend to it.

Plus, I don’t want the noise to wake up Laura. She had a strenuous night. I know humans are weaker and require more sensitive handling than some of the other species. But it’s that softness that I treasure, so I don’t mind extending the extra consideration.

I sneak out of bed. It’s not the smoothest process given that Laura’s limbs are tangled with mine. She turns over when I fully remove my weight from the mattress. Thankfully, her eyes stay closed.

I dress myself and answer the door, stepping outside of the bedroom and closing it behind me.

“What is it?” I look down at the servant sent to wake me. I know it isn’t their fault I am no longer in bed with Laura, but I can’t help but be a little upset with the messenger.

“His Royal Excellency requests your presence.” Their eyes refuse to look directly into mine. I must seem sufficiently annoyed.

I hold down the deep sigh inside me. Talking to my father never proved fruitful. But I can’t refuse. He’s already angry with me because of my… actions from the other day.

It’s better not to turn every struggle into a battle. I have to conserve my energy for our more important disagreements.

“Would you like me to escort you, my Prince.”

“No. I can make my own way.” I prefer no escort, especially if it is one of my father’s. Once I am gone, I am sure the dark elf will report everything he has seen to the King.

The less time I spend around them the better.

I make my way to the throne room, unexcited. I enter without announcing myself. I know my father sensed my presence before seeing me. It’s just formalities that he likes to enforce, and this is my way of letting him know these mandatory audiences are beginning to irk me.

I stand, waiting for my father to tell me why he roused me out of my sleep. He seems more impatient than usual.

Clearly, I’ve upset him again.

And now he is playing a game with me, letting the silence build between us while he stares at me with his glowing red eyes. I don’t succumb due to lack of will. I don’t want to get caught up in my father’s games.

Not when there are more enticing things waiting for me outside of this throne room.

“You summoned me.”

My father shifts in his seat. His eyes stay on me as he begins talking. “Yes. Our conversation from before remains unresolved.”

I furrow my brow, unsure of what exactly my father is talking about. The last time he summoned me was to the arena. We spoke of the hunt and…


Children to be specific. He wants me to consider Yedina. The thought of mating with her makes me shudder. Mating with Yedina is a command I will not accept.

“Is this-”

“You will find yourself a mate.” Looks like I guessed correctly.

“A mate.”
