Page 48 of Diablo

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A little more lonely and horny, but still,efficient.

When it’s Skylar’s turn, he brushes past me and my dick salutes that sexy body of his, wanting another go despite the fact that Skylar doesn’t seem interested. And despite telling myself that I shouldn’t, my eyeballs watch him for far too long. Those muscles bunching and flexing, those unnatural abs on display. That hair. So much hair. I could run my fingers through it, could pull and tug.

I’m panting when he exits the shower, steam billowing out behind him. It’s something straight out of a porno. And he knows it too, with the way he flexes his arms and juts his hips out. My eyes slide down and take in his long, thick dick. It’s proportionate to his body…so,big. It would probably tear me apart. It looks like a Sequoia when it’s hard. Could make the entire thing a national park.

Fuck. Me. Look at the way it hangs.

He reaches out and snaps my mouth shut.

“Would you like to take a picture?” he asks softly, and I gnash my teeth at him.

“I would rather bite off your face.”

He smirks at me as he wraps the towel around his waist, looking far too sexy for his own good. He should be illegal. I should tell my father not to hire sexy bodyguards. They are a detriment to society and my mental health.

He needs to be taken down a few notches.

A thousand, probably.

“Don’t be mad at me because you want something for the first time in your life and can’t have it.”

My mouth falls open again. “Pfft. I don’t want you.”

“You do.”

I force my mouth shut and purse my lips. “I’m going to murder you and bury you in the desert. Coyotes will eat you. There will be nothing left of you.”

He reaches out and his fingers skim my cheek. My heart flutters in my chest, those razor-sharp wings in my stomach slicing me open once more.

“Good luck with that, brat,” he says as he pushes past me.

My eyes slam shut, and I inhale deeply. I cannot let him get to me. A few cuddles, a few soft touches and I’m ruined?

Absolutely not. My mind swirls with plans—bratty, annoying plans.

Oh, the things I can come up with if I really think about it. The desert has all sorts of creepy, sneaky things.

I’m sure I can manage something when he’s not looking.



“Diablo!” Skylar shouts later that day and my heart is filled with glee. Who knew he’d put on his sandy socks so soon? Thoughts and prayers, Skylar. Thoughts and prayers. It might not have been a scorpion but this will do just fine.

I pretend not to hear him, my eyes narrowing as I focus on my smudged Warhammer Rubric Marine. I really need to get back to Lex and his majestic skills because what I am doing is an abomination. People would laugh at me if they saw this.

“I know you can hear me, you little shit,” he bellows, and I bite back a smirk. Must not look guilty. I’m as innocent as an angel.

A shadow falls over me and I peek up at Skylar, who is frowning at me.

“Sand. In my socks? What are you…thirteen?”

My lip trembles and my stomach aches from trying to hold the laugh at bay.

“Whatever do you mean? You sound insane.”

“You put sand in my socks.”
