Page 49 of Diablo

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“I did not. That must have been the geckos.”

“There aren’t geckos out here. Only lizards.”

“The lizards then,” I say and then focus my gaze back on the first-born Space Marine in front of me. “That’s the culprit.”

“Do you know how hard sand is to get out of clothes? And the fact that you went outside to get it. Putting your life in danger…you could have been seen!”

“Goes to show how shitty of a bodyguard you are. Can’t even keep track of me.”

Skylar huffs, proverbial steam coming out of his nose and ears. “You’re not to go outside. Those are the rules.”

“There’s nothing around. Not even so much as a White Walker.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“There’s nothing here but sand! Unless I get blown away in a dust storm, I’m perfectly safe!”

My lips tick up and so do his before they slam back down into a frown. “You’re a disobedient brat. Do I need to show you how to be respectful…again? It’s growing quite old, Diablo. Really.”

I shift in my seat, my ass still sore from earlier. To be honest, I don’t know if it could handle another spanking. Well, maybe itcould. Maybe it would elevate things to new levels for me. Maybe I would transcend. Find nirvana.

Hmm, doesn’t seem like a bad idea to me. Maybe we should try it.

“I’m perfectly respectable. You just have very high standards. No one can live up to them.”

He holds his socks up and waggles them around. “No. No one can keep up with you! Your mind is messed up.”

“Facts. Don’t bore me with them.”

Skylar shakes his head with a laugh and drops the socks to his side before walking away, leaving me to watch his ass and thighs flex as he moves. It’s very distracting. I hate that my eyes are glued to his glutes whenever they make an appearance. This has to be a mental illness of some sort, an obsession.

Surely I can find a psychiatrist to prescribe something for me. There have to be drugs that stop the eye-fucking of hulking lumps of man meat. Those have to exist. If not, those evil pharmaceutical companies have to invest in this. And when they do invent it, I’m sure my father could pay them off for a script. Who needs an actual doctor when you have cash?

My gaze moves back to the Warhammer figurine in my hands, but my heart isn’t in it. I want to fuck with Skylar some more. I want him to look at me a little longer, to stare at me and spar with me and just pay attention to me. I hate that he didn’t give me any of that just now, that he hasn’t given it to me all afternoon. I despise that he’s back in his room, bumbling around and not spanking my ass. Or touching it. Or just watching me intently.

I glower at the hallway and set my paintbrush down.

This is a situation that needs rectifying.

Standing up, I move toward his bedroom just as I hear him huff and puff. “Diablo! For fuck’s sake!”

My lips turn up as I realize that he’s found the cactus in his duffle. I pricked my hand a thousand times grabbing it and regret nothing.

Peering around the doorframe, I see Skylar, his hands on his hips, his eyes narrowed as he stares at the small cactus sitting daintily on his boxers. I didn’t even mean for it to land that way, it just did. Providential, I’m sure.

“What is it?” I ask, trying to sound innocent but unable to manage. I’m just devious by nature. I sound guilty the minute I open my mouth and words tumble out. No, really, I just look guilty all the time. Never was able to put the blame on Angel growing up. My father knew it was always me who did it.

“I know you did this,” he says, waving his large hand toward his duffle bag.

“Nope. I didn’t. It must have jumped in here. There are such things as jumping cacti. Perhaps you left a window open and it saw its opportunity.”

His entire body turns toward mine and I see the crackle in his eyes. Oh yes. Oh yes, please.

“Is that what you’re going with? That’s your final answer?”

I shrug. “Yep. Because it’s what happened. I was in no way involved in this. Nope. Not at all.”

He ignores the words tumbling out of my mouth as he grabs on to the back of my neck and pulls me into him, the stubble on his cheeks brush mine as he leans down and whispers in my ear. “I know what you’re doing….”
