Page 90 of Diablo

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“You want to share?”

My stomach churns at the thought. “No. If you fucked someone else, I’d have to commit murder.”

Skylar smiles at me. “Then that’s what this is then. You and me. Exclusive. I wouldn’t want someone’s life to be forfeited. Such a shame.”

Exclusive, I think as I settle back in his arms, feeling his warmth permeate my back, making me hot all over. I never thought I’d find myself here, but then again, I never thought my bodyguard would be the one who does it for me.

It’s not my fault. He’s ridiculously sexy and he snuck his way under my skin. I’ll probably get over him soon enough.

I’m sure it’s just a phase.

A long-ass one, maybe one that lasts forever, but one nonetheless.

* * *

But it’s not a phase. Skylar’s wound eventually closes and he gathers back all his strength. His mother and sister leave, and I feel the absence of them. So does my brother. He seems to have become friends with Abigail.

Skylar forgave me for calling them and inviting them here. I might have convinced him with a long-drawn-out kiss to his dick, but he did it. They left my father’s mansion with a promise to return soon. Skylar even smiled at the prospect.

It seems his worlds mixing isn’t as big of a deal as he made it out to be.

In addition to all of this, Skylar is back to training and working out. He’s back to the same man I knew before Elio. He’s not weak anymore. I can tell by the way he throws me around a room.

Speaking of which…it’s been a couple days since he’s fucked me, and I’m starting to get offended. Angel keeps reminding me that Skylar’s been busy working on something with my father. It’s been getting harder and harder to make time for each other. A few weeks ago we both moved out of my father’s house, Skylar usually showing up to my basement apartment after work and just crashing.

But I’m done waiting. I need to show him that I will not be ignored.

I let myself into his sparsely decorated apartment and flop down onto his bed, waiting for him to return home. Well, he will most likely show up at my apartment after work and when he realizes I’m not there, he’ll come here. I didn’t tell him where I’d be. He will have to find me.

A bit like hide and seek.

An hour later, I hear Skylar’s steps march through the apartment, awhat the fuckslipping from his lips when he sees me sprawled out on his bed.

I’m beaming when he enters his room, his lips turned down.

“Why the fuck are you here? And why are all my dishes smashed to pieces?”

I shrug from my place on the bed, pretending to be bored, when in actuality I am so fucking turned on.

Oh. I am going to get it.

Something flashes across his face and his scowl softens.

“Is it because I’ve been ignoring you?” he asks gently, and I shrug again, not giving him the satisfaction of an answer. He’s been ignoring me, so I will ignore him. Tit for tat.

“Well, you know why I’ve been busy?” he asks.

Our gazes slam together, and I shrug again. “I’ve been working with your dad on setting up a more permanent position around the grounds, so I won’t have to be away from you for so long.”

My heart thumps in my chest, and I feel so fucking happy.

“Also, I’ve been researching apartments that would work better for us.”

I can’t find words to express how I feel, so I blurt, “I don’t wanna move in with you.”

Skylar smirks and then steps closer to me, grabbing on to my ankle and pulling me to the end of the bed. “Oh, yes you do. You want it.”

He pulls me even closer to him until my ass is almost hanging off the bed, allowing his other hand to reach down and brush against my hard dick.
