Page 33 of Stalked by His Ex

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“When we get out, hold my hand, and donotlet go. That’s the most important part to remember. Try not to talk to anyone, it only encourages them. Security will stop them from passing to the elevators, so once we make it that far, we’ll be safe. There’s going to be a lot of flashes from cameras—they can disorientate, so try not to look directly at them. Also, sometimes they can get pushy, but I’ll keep between you and them. You’ll stay next to me and the wall. Okay?”

That’s a lot of information out of the blue—andinsane. Is this what he deals with daily? No wonder he’s cautious about the people he lets into his life. “I got it.” I finally answer, but don’t look away from the crowd blocking the entrance.

“Are you ready?” He asks, but I’ve gone blank. All I can remember is to stay against the wall and tightly grip his hand.

“As I’ll ever be.” My voice is nervous and unsteady.

He moves swiftly to open my door. We parked off to the side, in a regular parking spot, instead of valet. By doing this, he’s given us time to prepare, since people hadn’t noticed his arrival.

We’re about ten feet from the entrance when one of the restless fan’s shouts, “OH, MY GOD! THERE HE IS!” And everyone swarms, screaming his name. Security’s holding the mob back, but they shoved an occasional microphone or camera into his face. Reporters rapidly fire questions at him, the main ones wondering my name and who I am. He grips my hand tighter when he glances at the nervous look on my face.

“No comments or autographs today. Sorry.” He waves off his onlookers. We push past the horde of people, entering the elevator moments later.

The door closes off the noise in the lobby, as my heart beats out of my chest from the adrenaline coursing through my body. “No wonder you don’t want people to know who you are. I couldn’t imagine going through that every time I wanted to go anywhere. You’re lucky that none of them follow you around. Is that how it is all the time?”

“Pretty much. Some of themdofollow me. Technically, I’m supposed to keep a security detail with me at all times, but I’ve been slipping them to come to your house. Sorry to spring the crowd on you, but I want you to be exposed in little doses before I take you to a premier or an award ceremony. The larger events can get pretty hectic.”

I laugh, partially because he doesn’t think this situation is ‘hectic’, and partly because he speaks about us like we have a long future. I’m getting used to that idea. “It’s nuts out there. I can’t believe you go through that all the time. Don’t you want to walk outside and not have to deal with that madness?” I regret asking almost immediately. Of course, he doesn’t want them around. He just explained why he didn’t want me exposed to the fans, the media, or the business. Greed.

“That’s one reason I didn’t bring security to your house. Nobody knows about it or the secluded places we go. There’s really no need. It’s a pleasant change for once.”

Nodding, I agree. Thankful he didn’t bring this madness to my home. “Will Liam be here?” I’m curious about the brother that’s here visiting that heneverbrings with him.

He searches my eyes, humor shining in their golden depths. “He should be, but doesn’t typically get out of bed before noon.” The elevator dings, letting us out into their penthouse. The decor is unbelievably posh and absorbing it all is breathtaking. “But don’t worry. I’ll go wake him up.”

That snaps me back, “No! Don’t wake him up for me. I’ll see him next time.”

“See who next time?” Liam comes around the corner in low slung shorts, sans shirt, displaying a beautifully toned bronze body, and eating a bowl of cereal. Milk dripping off his chin and somehow making him hotter because of the mess.Jesus, they made two of you.

“You can close your mouth, Kitten.” Jaxton laughs with his words.

Redness crawls up my neck and into my cheeks, while both Jaxton and Liam chuckle. “Sorry.” What I’m apologizing for, I do not know.

Jaxton steps closer, his arm shooting out and grasping my neck to pull me closer. His eyes are blown, encroaching into the gold. “No apologies necessary. I’m going to jump in the shower.” He turns to her brother. “Keep her company, yeah?”

“Of course.” Another dribble of milk down his chin as he slurps the next spoonful.

Jaxton smirks at his brother’s lack of manners and then swoops in for a quick kiss. “I’ll miss you.”

“Hurry back then.” Immediately, his brother’s forgotten, and we’re in a world of our own.

“Jeez…” slurp. “No wonder you’ve been ghosting me, bro.” Liam’s eyes travel my form, lingering.

Jaxton growls and his brother’s lips quirk, clearly trying and succeeding to get a rise out of him. “Hands off.” He warns and Liam raises his spoon in surrender, an innocent expression on his face. It’s easy for him, since he’s got one of those baby face-drop-dead-sexy-bad-boy things going on.

I try to stifle my laughter, but the giggle slips free. “Go on, Jax. I’ll be fine.” I waved him off. If he delays any longer, he’ll be late.

He invades my space quickly, securing me with a tight grip on my hair. “Mm… I enjoy hearing you call me Jax. Only family gets away with shortening my name.” His lips slam to mine, nipping, and growling his pleasure. He’s both rewarding me and publicly claiming me, both of which I’ll agree to.

“Let the girl breath for crying out loud, Jax, and go shower. She’ll be fine with me.” He tilts the bowl to his lips and finishes his milk.

Finally, Jaxton disappears down the hallway, leaving me with his brother. A giant smile plasters my face. There’s no awkwardness like I thought there may be. Instead, he drops his dish off in the sink. Actually, washing, drying, and putting it away. Once he’s done with his task, he focuses on me, an almost predatory glint causing his green eyes to sparkle like emeralds.

“Hi, Liam. It’s nice to see you again.” His presence is comforting, just like Jaxton’s, making it easy to relax.

We gravitate to the living room and plop down on the couch. “You, too. Been keeping Jax busy.” The comment would seem rude if it weren’t accompanied by a smirk.

My lips stretch to match his smile. “You could say that.”
